Ok, I'm totally flummoxed here.  

I'm an ISV delivering a C program that can use MPI for it's inter-node
communications.  It has been deployed on a number (dozens) of small
clusters and has been working pretty over the last few months.  That is,
until someone tried to change the static IP address and netmask of the
cluster's PUBLIC ethernet interface to a "special" address for their
university.  Now, my program "hangs" in some early MPI communications
and I have to CTRL-C to get out of the process.  I got things working
again by specifying "--mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0"  as an argument to
mpiexec  ( eth0=private TCP ).  

Any idea WHY changing the public address messes things up so badly?
While I have a workaround, it kinda caught me by surprise and that
usually that means there's something going on I don't understand.

I thought I was being hit by this:
But my process doesn't fail, it just gets...stuck.   Here's the routing
table for the head and a compute node: UH    0      0        0
eth0   U     0      0        0
eth1 U     0      0        0
eth0     U     0      0        0
eth1       U     0      0        0
eth0         UG    0      0
0 eth1 

----- UH    0      0        0
eth0 U     0      0        0
eth0     U     0      0        0
eth0       U     0      0        0
eth0         UG    0      0        0

What I know so far:
- As I test this, there is nothing other than a switch plugged into eth1
and nothing else plugged into that (i.e. it gives me a link light, but
no one to talk to). 
- "mpiexec -np 2 -host master,node1 myProgram" hangs
- MPI Init is completing.  I write out one log file per process and
messages from "mpiexec -d' seem to support that conclusion.
- I'm pretty sure my first Bcast works, but I seem to be getting stuck
in my first Allreduce.
- If I run strace on a process, it looks like it is sitting in a poll
- "mpiexec -np 2 -host master,node1 --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0
myProgram" doesn't hang
- If I run mpiexec from the head node and just specify a host list that
does NOT include the head node, things work just fine.  "mpiexec -np 2
-host node1,node2 myProgram" doesn't hang
- I have strace outputs from each of these scenarios above from each
node, but cannot make heads nor tails of them
- If I take down the public interface (if-down eth1), things also work.
- I can ping and ssh from any node to any node without any problem, so I
don't think it's network related.
- A non-mpi job launches and exits just fine ( "mpiexec -np 2 -host
master,node1 hostname" works )

- MPI 1.2.5, RedHat 4, 64-bit OS
- Gigabit Ethernet, no high-speed interfaces
- Original working public IP: / 16
- Public IP address that breaks stuff: / 24
- Internal address: / 28  with the head node being .254
and the nodes are .241 .242. .243 and .244 
- I built the 1.2.5 "multi" RPMs using the shell script and spec file on
the openmpi site and installed the runtime using "rpm -Uvh ..."
- All addresses are static.
- Clusters are generally 5 nodes, master plus four compute nodes, but
this shows up on just two.

Per the FAQ, here's my ifconfig and ompi_info...

[adminrig@vnode ~]$ /sbin/ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr xxxxx 
          inet addr:  Bcast:
          inet6 addr: fe80::xxxx/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:65860 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:51860 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:8077348 (7.7 MiB)  TX bytes:17135962 (16.3 MiB)
          Base address:0x2000 Memory:c8200000-c8220000 

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr xxxxx
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::xxxx/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:257 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:16880 (16.4 KiB)
          Base address:0x2020 Memory:c8220000-c8240000 

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:192297 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:192297 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:32801704 (31.2 MiB)  TX bytes:32801704 (31.2 MiB)

ompi_info below:
                Open MPI: 1.2.5
   Open MPI SVN revision: r16989
                Open RTE: 1.2.5
   Open RTE SVN revision: r16989
                    OPAL: 1.2.5
       OPAL SVN revision: r16989
           MCA backtrace: execinfo (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component
              MCA memory: ptmalloc2 (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component
           MCA paffinity: linux (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
           MCA maffinity: first_use (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component
               MCA timer: linux (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
         MCA installdirs: env (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
         MCA installdirs: config (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
           MCA allocator: basic (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.0)
           MCA allocator: bucket (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.0)
                MCA coll: basic (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                MCA coll: self (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                MCA coll: sm (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                MCA coll: tuned (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                  MCA io: romio (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
               MCA mpool: rdma (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
               MCA mpool: sm (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA pml: cm (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA pml: ob1 (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA bml: r2 (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
              MCA rcache: vma (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA btl: self (MCA v1.0, API v1.0.1, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA btl: sm (MCA v1.0, API v1.0.1, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA btl: tcp (MCA v1.0, API v1.0.1, Component v1.0)
                MCA topo: unity (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA osc: pt2pt (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
              MCA errmgr: hnp (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component v1.2.5)
              MCA errmgr: orted (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component v1.2.5)
              MCA errmgr: proxy (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA gpr: null (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA gpr: proxy (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA gpr: replica (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA iof: proxy (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA iof: svc (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                  MCA ns: proxy (MCA v1.0, API v2.0, Component v1.2.5)
                  MCA ns: replica (MCA v1.0, API v2.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA oob: tcp (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.0)
                 MCA ras: dash_host (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component
                 MCA ras: gridengine (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component
                 MCA ras: localhost (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component
                 MCA ras: slurm (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA rds: hostfile (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component
                 MCA rds: proxy (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA rds: resfile (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component v1.2.5)
               MCA rmaps: round_robin (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component
                MCA rmgr: proxy (MCA v1.0, API v2.0, Component v1.2.5)
                MCA rmgr: urm (MCA v1.0, API v2.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA rml: oob (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA pls: gridengine (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component
                 MCA pls: proxy (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA pls: rsh (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA pls: slurm (MCA v1.0, API v1.3, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA sds: env (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA sds: pipe (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA sds: seed (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                 MCA sds: singleton (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component
                 MCA sds: slurm (MCA v1.0, API v1.0, Component v1.2.5)
                  Prefix: /usr
                  Bindir: /usr/bin
                  Libdir: /usr/lib64
                  Incdir: /usr/include
               Pkglibdir: /usr/lib64/openmpi
              Sysconfdir: /etc
 Configured architecture: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
           Configured by: root
           Configured on: Wed Jun 11 20:04:56 EDT 2008
          Configure host: newcluster4.cluster
                Built by: root
                Built on: Wed Jun 11 20:07:25 EDT 2008
              Built host: newcluster4.cluster
              C bindings: yes
            C++ bindings: yes
      Fortran77 bindings: no
      Fortran90 bindings: no
 Fortran90 bindings size: na
              C compiler: gcc
     C compiler absolute: /usr/lib64/ccache/bin/gcc
             C char size: 1
             C bool size: 1
            C short size: 2
              C int size: 4
             C long size: 8
            C float size: 4
           C double size: 8
          C pointer size: 8
            C char align: 1
            C bool align: 1
             C int align: 4
           C float align: 4
          C double align: 8
            C++ compiler: g++
   C++ compiler absolute: /usr/lib64/ccache/bin/g++
      Fortran77 compiler: gfortran
  Fortran77 compiler abs: /usr/bin/gfortran
      Fortran90 compiler: none
  Fortran90 compiler abs: none
       Fort integer size: 4
       Fort logical size: 4
 Fort logical value true: 0
          Fort real size: skipped
      Fort dbl prec size: skipped
          Fort cplx size: skipped
      Fort dbl cplx size: skipped
      Fort integer align: skipped
         Fort real align: skipped
     Fort dbl prec align: skipped
         Fort cplx align: skipped
     Fort dbl cplx align: skipped
             C profiling: yes
           C++ profiling: yes
     Fortran77 profiling: no
     Fortran90 profiling: no
          C++ exceptions: no
          Thread support: posix (mpi: no, progress: no)
            Build CFLAGS: -DNDEBUG -O2 -g -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
-fexceptions -m64 -mtune=nocona -finline-functions -fno-strict-aliasing
          Build CXXFLAGS: -DNDEBUG -O2 -g -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
-fexceptions -m64 -mtune=nocona -finline-functions -pthread
            Build FFLAGS: -O2 -g -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
-fexceptions -m64 -mtune=nocona
           Build FCFLAGS: -O2 -g -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
-fexceptions -m64 -mtune=nocona
           Build LDFLAGS: -export-dynamic  
              Build LIBS: -lnsl -lutil  -lm 
    Wrapper extra CFLAGS: -pthread 
  Wrapper extra CXXFLAGS: -pthread 
    Wrapper extra FFLAGS:  
   Wrapper extra FCFLAGS:  
   Wrapper extra LDFLAGS:     
      Wrapper extra LIBS:   -ldl   -Wl,--export-dynamic -lnsl -lutil -lm
  Internal debug support: no
     MPI parameter check: runtime
Memory profiling support: no
Memory debugging support: no
         libltdl support: yes
   Heterogeneous support: yes
 mpirun default --prefix: no
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_param_files" (current value:
                          Path for MCA configuration files containing
default parameter values
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_component_path" (current value:
                          Path where to look for Open MPI and ORTE
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_verbose" (current value:
                          Top-level verbosity parameter
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_component_show_load_errors"
(current value: "1")
                          Whether to show errors for components that
failed to load or not
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_component_disable_dlopen"
(current value: "0")
                          Whether to attempt to disable opening dynamic
components or not
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_param_check" (current value:
                          Whether you want MPI API parameters checked at
run-time or not.  Possible values are 0 (no checking) and 1 (perform
checking at run-time)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_yield_when_idle" (current
value: "0")
                          Yield the processor when waiting for MPI
communication (for MPI processes, will default to 1 when oversubscribing
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_event_tick_rate" (current
value: "-1")
                          How often to progress TCP communications (0 =
never, otherwise specified in microseconds)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_show_handle_leaks" (current
value: "0")
                          Whether MPI_FINALIZE shows all MPI handles
that were not freed or not
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_no_free_handles" (current
value: "0")
                          Whether to actually free MPI objects when
their handles are freed
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_show_mca_params" (current
value: "0")
                          Whether to show all MCA parameter value during
MPI_INIT or not (good for reproducability of MPI jobs)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_show_mca_params_file" (current
value: <none>)
                          If mpi_show_mca_params is true, setting this
string to a valid filename tells Open MPI to dump all the MCA parameter
values into a file suitable for reading via the mca_param_files
                          (good for reproducability of MPI jobs)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_paffinity_alone" (current
value: "0")
                          If nonzero, assume that this job is the only
(set of) process(es) running on each node and bind processes to
processors, starting with processor ID 0
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_keep_peer_hostnames" (current
value: "1")
                          If nonzero, save the string hostnames of all
MPI peer processes (mostly for error / debugging output messages).  This
can add quite a bit of memory usage to each MPI process.
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_abort_delay" (current value:
                          If nonzero, print out an identifying message
when MPI_ABORT is invoked (hostname, PID of the process that called
MPI_ABORT) and delay for that many seconds before exiting (a negative
                          value means to never abort).  This allows
attaching of a debugger before quitting the job.
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_abort_print_stack" (current
value: "0")
                          If nonzero, print out a stack trace when
MPI_ABORT is invoked
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_preconnect_all" (current value:
                          Whether to force MPI processes to create
connections / warmup with *all* peers during MPI_INIT (vs. making
connections lazily -- upon the first MPI traffic between each process
peer pair)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_preconnect_oob" (current value:
                          Whether to force MPI processes to fully
wire-up the OOB system between MPI processes.
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_leave_pinned" (current value:
                          Whether to use the "leave pinned" protocol or
not.  Enabling this setting can help bandwidth performance when
repeatedly sending and receiving large messages with the same buffers
                          RDMA-based networks.
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_leave_pinned_pipeline" (current
value: "0")
                          Whether to use the "leave pinned pipeline"
protocol or not.
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_warn_if_thread_multiple"
(current value: "1")
                          Whether to show a warning when
MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE is used or not.
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_warn_if_progress_threads"
(current value: "1")
                          Whether to show a warning when progress
threads are used or not.
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_debug" (current value: "0")
                          Top-level ORTE debug switch
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_no_daemonize" (current value:
                          Whether to properly daemonize the ORTE daemons
or not
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_base_user_debugger" (current
value: "totalview @mpirun@ -a @mpirun_args@ : ddt -n @np@ -start
@executable@ @executable_argv@ @single_app@ : fxp @mpirun@ -a
                          Sequence of user-level debuggers to search for
in orterun
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_abort_timeout" (current value:
                          Time to wait [in seconds] before giving up on
aborting an ORTE operation
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_timing" (current value: "0")
                          Request that critical timing loops be measured
                MCA opal: parameter "opal_signal" (current value:
                          If a signal is received, display the stack
trace frame
           MCA backtrace: parameter "backtrace" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
backtrace framework (<none> means "use all components that can be
           MCA backtrace: parameter "backtrace_base_verbose" (current
value: "0")
                          Verbosity level for the backtrace framework (0
= no verbosity)
           MCA backtrace: parameter "backtrace_execinfo_priority"
(current value: "0")
              MCA memory: parameter "memory" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
memory framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
              MCA memory: parameter "memory_base_verbose" (current
value: "0")
                          Verbosity level for the memory framework (0 =
no verbosity)
              MCA memory: parameter "memory_ptmalloc2_priority" (current
value: "0")
           MCA paffinity: parameter "paffinity_base_verbose" (current
value: "0")
                          Verbosity level of the paffinity framework
           MCA paffinity: parameter "paffinity" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
paffinity framework (<none> means "use all components that can be
           MCA paffinity: parameter "paffinity_linux_priority" (current
value: "10")
                          Priority of the linux paffinity component
           MCA paffinity: information "paffinity_linux_have_cpu_set_t"
(value: "1")
                          Whether this component was compiled on a
system with the type cpu_set_t or not (1 = yes, 0 = no)
           MCA paffinity: information "paffinity_linux_CPU_ZERO_ok"
(value: "1")
                          Whether this component was compiled on a
system where CPU_ZERO() is functional or broken (1 = functional, 0 =
broken/not available)
           MCA paffinity: information
"paffinity_linux_sched_setaffinity_num_params" (value: "3")
                          The number of parameters that
sched_set_affinity() takes on the machine where this component was
           MCA maffinity: parameter "maffinity_base_verbose" (current
value: "0")
                          Verbosity level of the maffinity framework
           MCA maffinity: parameter "maffinity" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
maffinity framework (<none> means "use all components that can be
           MCA maffinity: parameter "maffinity_first_use_priority"
(current value: "10")
                          Priority of the first_use maffinity component
               MCA timer: parameter "timer" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
timer framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
               MCA timer: parameter "timer_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the timer framework (0 =
no verbosity)
               MCA timer: parameter "timer_linux_priority" (current
value: "0")
           MCA allocator: parameter "allocator" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
allocator framework (<none> means "use all components that can be
           MCA allocator: parameter "allocator_base_verbose" (current
value: "0")
                          Verbosity level for the allocator framework (0
= no verbosity)
           MCA allocator: parameter "allocator_basic_priority" (current
value: "0")
           MCA allocator: parameter "allocator_bucket_num_buckets"
(current value: "30")
           MCA allocator: parameter "allocator_bucket_priority" (current
value: "0")
                MCA coll: parameter "coll" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
coll framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the coll framework (0 = no
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_basic_priority" (current
value: "10")
                          Priority of the basic coll component
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_basic_crossover" (current
value: "4")
                          Minimum number of processes in a communicator
before using the logarithmic algorithms
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_self_priority" (current value:
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_priority" (current value:
                          Priority of the sm coll component
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_control_size" (current
value: "4096")
                          Length of the control data -- should usually
be either the length of a cache line on most SMPs, or the size of a page
on machines that support direct memory affinity page placement (in
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_bootstrap_filename"
(current value: "shared_mem_sm_bootstrap")
                          Filename (in the Open MPI session directory)
of the coll sm component bootstrap rendezvous mmap file
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_bootstrap_num_segments"
(current value: "8")
                          Number of segments in the bootstrap file
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_fragment_size" (current
value: "8192")
                          Fragment size (in bytes) used for passing data
through shared memory (will be rounded up to the nearest control_size
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_mpool" (current value:
                          Name of the mpool component to use
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_comm_in_use_flags" (current
value: "2")
                          Number of "in use" flags, used to mark a
message passing area segment as currently being used or not (must be >=
2 and <= comm_num_segments)
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_comm_num_segments" (current
value: "8")
                          Number of segments in each communicator's
shared memory message passing area (must be >= 2, and must be a multiple
of comm_in_use_flags)
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_tree_degree" (current
value: "4")
                          Degree of the tree for tree-based operations
(must be => 1 and <= min(control_size, 255))
                MCA coll: information
"coll_sm_shared_mem_used_bootstrap" (value: "216")
                          Amount of shared memory used in the shared
memory bootstrap area (in bytes)
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_info_num_procs" (current
value: "4")
                          Number of processes to use for the calculation
of the shared_mem_size MCA information parameter (must be => 2)
                MCA coll: information "coll_sm_shared_mem_used_data"
(value: "548864")
                          Amount of shared memory used in the shared
memory data area for info_num_procs processes (in bytes)
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_tuned_priority" (current
value: "30")
                          Priority of the tuned coll component
                MCA coll: parameter
"coll_tuned_pre_allocate_memory_comm_size_limit" (current value:
                          Size of communicator were we stop
pre-allocating memory for the fixed internal buffer used for message
requests etc that is hung off the communicator data segment. I.e. if you
have a 100'000
                          nodes you might not want to pre-allocate
200'000 request handle slots per communicator instance!
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_tuned_init_tree_fanout"
(current value: "4")
                          Inital fanout used in the tree topologies for
each communicator. This is only an initial guess, if a tuned collective
needs a different fanout for an operation, it build it dynamically. This
                          parameter is only for the first guess and
might save a little time
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_tuned_init_chain_fanout"
(current value: "4")
                          Inital fanout used in the chain (fanout
followed by pipeline) topologies for each communicator. This is only an
initial guess, if a tuned collective needs a different fanout for an
                          it build it dynamically. This parameter is
only for the first guess and might save a little time
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_tuned_use_dynamic_rules"
(current value: "0")
                          Switch used to decide if we use static
(compiled/if statements) or dynamic (built at runtime) decision function
                  MCA io: parameter "io_base_freelist_initial_size"
(current value: "16")
                          Initial MPI-2 IO request freelist size
                  MCA io: parameter "io_base_freelist_max_size" (current
value: "64")
                          Max size of the MPI-2 IO request freelist
                  MCA io: parameter "io_base_freelist_increment"
(current value: "16")
                          Increment size of the MPI-2 IO request
                  MCA io: parameter "io" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the io
framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                  MCA io: parameter "io_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the io framework (0 = no
                  MCA io: parameter "io_romio_priority" (current value:
                          Priority of the io romio component
                  MCA io: parameter "io_romio_delete_priority" (current
value: "10")
                          Delete priority of the io romio component
                  MCA io: parameter
"io_romio_enable_parallel_optimizations" (current value: "0")
                          Enable set of Open MPI-added options to
improve collective file i/o performance
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
mpool framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the mpool framework (0 =
no verbosity)
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_rdma_rcache_name" (current
value: "vma")
                          The name of the registration cache the mpool
should use
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_rdma_rcache_size_limit"
(current value: "0")
                          the maximum size of registration cache in
bytes. 0 is unlimited (default 0)
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_rdma_print_stats" (current
value: "0")
                          print pool usage statistics at the end of the
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_rdma_priority" (current
value: "0")
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_sm_allocator" (current value:
                          Name of allocator component to use with sm
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_sm_max_size" (current value:
                          Maximum size of the sm mpool shared memory
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_sm_min_size" (current value:
                          Minimum size of the sm mpool shared memory
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_sm_per_peer_size" (current
value: "33554432")
                          Size (in bytes) to allocate per local peer in
the sm mpool shared memory file, bounded by min_size and max_size
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_sm_verbose" (current value:
                          Enable verbose output for mpool sm component
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_sm_priority" (current value:
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_base_use_mem_hooks" (current
value: "0")
                          use memory hooks for deregistering freed
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_use_mem_hooks" (current
value: "0")
                          (deprecated, use mpool_base_use_mem_hooks)
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_base_disable_sbrk" (current
value: "0")
                          use mallopt to override calling sbrk (doesn't
return memory to OS!)
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_disable_sbrk" (current value:
                          (deprecated, use mca_mpool_base_disable_sbrk)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
pml framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the pml framework (0 = no
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_cm_free_list_num" (current
value: "4")
                          Initial size of request free lists
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_cm_free_list_max" (current
value: "-1")
                          Maximum size of request free lists
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_cm_free_list_inc" (current
value: "64")
                          Number of elements to add when growing request
free lists
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_cm_priority" (current value:
                          CM PML selection priority
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_free_list_num" (current
value: "4")
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_free_list_max" (current
value: "-1")
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_free_list_inc" (current
value: "64")
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_priority" (current value:
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_eager_limit" (current
value: "131072")
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_send_pipeline_depth"
(current value: "3")
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_recv_pipeline_depth"
(current value: "4")
                 MCA bml: parameter "bml" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
bml framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                 MCA bml: parameter "bml_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the bml framework (0 = no
                 MCA bml: parameter "bml_r2_show_unreach_errors"
(current value: "1")
                          Show error message when procs are unreachable
                 MCA bml: parameter "bml_r2_priority" (current value:
              MCA rcache: parameter "rcache" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
rcache framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
              MCA rcache: parameter "rcache_base_verbose" (current
value: "0")
                          Verbosity level for the rcache framework (0 =
no verbosity)
              MCA rcache: parameter "rcache_vma_priority" (current
value: "0")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_base_debug" (current value:
                          If btl_base_debug is 1 standard debug is
output, if > 1 verbose debug is output
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
btl framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the btl framework (0 = no
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_free_list_num" (current
value: "0")
                          Number of fragments by default
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_free_list_max" (current
value: "-1")
                          Maximum number of fragments
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_free_list_inc" (current
value: "32")
                          Increment by this number of fragments
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_eager_limit" (current
value: "131072")
                          Eager size fragmeng (before the rendez-vous
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_min_send_size" (current
value: "262144")
                          Minimum fragment size after the rendez-vous
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_max_send_size" (current
value: "262144")
                          Maximum fragment size after the rendez-vous
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_min_rdma_size" (current
value: "2147483647")
                          Maximum fragment size for the RDMA transfer
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_max_rdma_size" (current
value: "2147483647")
                          Maximum fragment size for the RDMA transfer
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_exclusivity" (current
value: "65536")
                          Device exclusivity
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_flags" (current value:
                          Active behavior flags
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_priority" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_free_list_num" (current
value: "8")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_free_list_max" (current
value: "-1")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_free_list_inc" (current
value: "64")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_exclusivity" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_latency" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_max_procs" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_sm_extra_procs" (current
value: "2")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_mpool" (current value: "sm")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_eager_limit" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_max_frag_size" (current
value: "32768")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_size_of_cb_queue" (current
value: "128")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_cb_lazy_free_freq" (current
value: "120")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_priority" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_if_include" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_if_exclude" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_free_list_num" (current
value: "8")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_free_list_max" (current
value: "-1")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_free_list_inc" (current
value: "32")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_sndbuf" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_rcvbuf" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_endpoint_cache" (current
value: "30720")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_exclusivity" (current
value: "0")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_eager_limit" (current
value: "65536")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_min_send_size" (current
value: "65536")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_max_send_size" (current
value: "131072")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_min_rdma_size" (current
value: "131072")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_max_rdma_size" (current
value: "2147483647")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_flags" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_priority" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_base_include" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_base_exclude" (current value:
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_base_warn_component_unused"
(current value: "1")
                          This parameter is used to turn on warning
messages when certain NICs are not used
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
mtl framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the mtl framework (0 = no
                MCA topo: parameter "topo" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
topo framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                MCA topo: parameter "topo_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the topo framework (0 = no
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
osc framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the osc framework (0 = no
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_pt2pt_no_locks" (current value:
                          Enable optimizations available only if
MPI_LOCK is not used.
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_pt2pt_eager_limit" (current
value: "16384")
                          Max size of eagerly sent data
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_pt2pt_priority" (current value:
              MCA errmgr: parameter "errmgr_base_verbose" (current
value: "0")
                          Verbosity level for the errmgr framework
              MCA errmgr: parameter "errmgr" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
errmgr framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
              MCA errmgr: parameter "errmgr_hnp_debug" (current value:
              MCA errmgr: parameter "errmgr_hnp_priority" (current
value: "0")
              MCA errmgr: parameter "errmgr_orted_debug" (current value:
              MCA errmgr: parameter "errmgr_orted_priority" (current
value: "0")
              MCA errmgr: parameter "errmgr_proxy_debug" (current value:
              MCA errmgr: parameter "errmgr_proxy_priority" (current
value: "0")
                 MCA gpr: parameter "gpr_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the gpr framework
                 MCA gpr: parameter "gpr_base_maxsize" (current value:
                 MCA gpr: parameter "gpr_base_blocksize" (current value:
                 MCA gpr: parameter "gpr" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
gpr framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                 MCA gpr: parameter "gpr_null_priority" (current value:
                 MCA gpr: parameter "gpr_proxy_debug" (current value:
                 MCA gpr: parameter "gpr_proxy_priority" (current value:
                 MCA gpr: parameter "gpr_replica_debug" (current value:
                 MCA gpr: parameter "gpr_replica_isolate" (current
value: "0")
                 MCA gpr: parameter "gpr_replica_priority" (current
value: "0")
                 MCA iof: parameter "iof_base_window_size" (current
value: "4096")
                 MCA iof: parameter "iof_base_service" (current value:
                 MCA iof: parameter "iof_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the iof framework
                 MCA iof: parameter "iof" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
iof framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                 MCA iof: parameter "iof_proxy_priority" (current value:
                 MCA iof: parameter "iof_svc_priority" (current value:
                  MCA ns: parameter "ns_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the ns framework
                  MCA ns: parameter "ns" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the ns
framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                  MCA ns: parameter "ns_proxy_debug" (current value:
                  MCA ns: parameter "ns_proxy_maxsize" (current value:
                  MCA ns: parameter "ns_proxy_blocksize" (current value:
                  MCA ns: parameter "ns_proxy_priority" (current value:
                  MCA ns: parameter "ns_replica_debug" (current value:
                  MCA ns: parameter "ns_replica_isolate" (current value:
                  MCA ns: parameter "ns_replica_maxsize" (current value:
                  MCA ns: parameter "ns_replica_blocksize" (current
value: "512")
                  MCA ns: parameter "ns_replica_priority" (current
value: "0")
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
oob framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the oob framework (0 = no
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_peer_limit" (current value:
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_peer_retries" (current
value: "60")
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_debug" (current value: "0")
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_sndbuf" (current value:
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_rcvbuf" (current value:
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_if_include" (current value:
                          Comma-delimited list of TCP interfaces to use
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_if_exclude" (current value:
                          Comma-delimited list of TCP interfaces to
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_connect_sleep" (current
value: "1")
                          Enable (1) / disable (0) random sleep for
connection wireup
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_listen_mode" (current
value: "event")
                          Mode for HNP to accept incoming connections:
event, listen_thread
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_listen_thread_max_queue"
(current value: "10")
                          High water mark for queued accepted socket
list size
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_listen_thread_max_time"
(current value: "10")
                          Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to
wait between processing accepted socket list
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_accept_spin_count" (current
value: "10")
                          Number of times to let accept return
EWOULDBLOCK before updating accepted socket list
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_priority" (current value:
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_base_include" (current value:
                          Components to include for oob framework
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_base_exclude" (current value:
                          Components to exclude for oob framework
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Enable debugging for the RAS framework
(nonzero = enabled)
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras" (current value: <none>)
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_dash_host_priority" (current
value: "5")
                          Selection priority for the dash_host RAS
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_gridengine_debug" (current
value: "0")
                          Enable debugging output for the gridengine ras
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_gridengine_priority" (current
value: "100")
                          Priority of the gridengine ras component
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_gridengine_verbose" (current
value: "0")
                          Enable verbose output for the gridengine ras
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_gridengine_show_jobid" (current
value: "0")
                          Show the JOB_ID of the Grid Engine job
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_localhost_priority" (current
value: "0")
                          Selection priority for the localhost RAS
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_slurm_priority" (current value:
                          Priority of the slurm ras component
                 MCA rds: parameter "rds_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the rds framework
                 MCA rds: parameter "rds" (current value: <none>)
                 MCA rds: parameter "rds_hostfile_debug" (current value:
                          Toggle debug output for hostfile RDS component
                 MCA rds: parameter "rds_hostfile_path" (current value:
                          ORTE Host filename
                 MCA rds: parameter "rds_hostfile_priority" (current
value: "0")
                 MCA rds: parameter "rds_proxy_priority" (current value:
                 MCA rds: parameter "rds_resfile_debug" (current value:
                          Toggle debug output for resfile RDS component
                 MCA rds: parameter "rds_resfile_name" (current value:
                          ORTE Resource filename
                 MCA rds: parameter "rds_resfile_priority" (current
value: "0")
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the rmaps framework
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_schedule_policy"
(current value: "unspec")
                          Scheduling Policy for RMAPS. [slot | node]
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_pernode" (current value:
                          Launch one ppn as directed
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_n_pernode" (current
value: "-1")
                          Launch n procs/node
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_no_schedule_local"
(current value: "0")
                          If false, allow scheduling MPI applications on
the same node as mpirun (default).  If true, do not schedule any MPI
applications on the same node as mpirun
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_no_oversubscribe"
(current value: "0")
                          If true, then do not allow oversubscription of
nodes - mpirun will return an error if there aren't enough nodes to
launch all processes without oversubscribing
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_display_map" (current
value: "0")
                          Whether to display the process map after it is
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
rmaps framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_round_robin_debug" (current
value: "1")
                          Toggle debug output for Round Robin RMAPS
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_round_robin_priority"
(current value: "1")
                          Selection priority for Round Robin RMAPS
                MCA rmgr: parameter "rmgr_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the rmgr framework
                MCA rmgr: parameter "rmgr" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
rmgr framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                MCA rmgr: parameter "rmgr_proxy_priority" (current
value: "0")
                MCA rmgr: parameter "rmgr_urm_priority" (current value:
                 MCA rml: parameter "rml_base_debug" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the rml famework
                 MCA rml: parameter "rml" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
rml framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                 MCA rml: parameter "rml_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the rml framework (0 = no
                 MCA rml: parameter "rml_oob_priority" (current value:
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_base_reuse_daemons" (current
value: "0")
                          If nonzero, reuse daemons to launch
dynamically spawned processes.  If zero, do not reuse daemons (default)
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
pls framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the pls framework (0 = no
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_gridengine_debug" (current
value: "0")
                          Enable debugging of gridengine pls component
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_gridengine_verbose" (current
value: "0")
                          Enable verbose output of the gridengine qrsh
-inherit command
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_gridengine_priority" (current
value: "100")
                          Priority of the gridengine pls component
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_gridengine_orted" (current
value: "orted")
                          The command name that the gridengine pls
component will invoke for the ORTE daemon
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_proxy_priority" (current value:
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_rsh_debug" (current value: "0")
                          Whether or not to enable debugging output for
the rsh pls component (0 or 1)
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_rsh_num_concurrent" (current
value: "128")
                          How many pls_rsh_agent instances to invoke
concurrently (must be > 0)
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_rsh_force_rsh" (current value:
                          Force the launcher to always use rsh, even for
local daemons
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_rsh_orted" (current value:
                          The command name that the rsh pls component
will invoke for the ORTE daemon
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_rsh_priority" (current value:
                          Priority of the rsh pls component
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_rsh_delay" (current value: "1")
                          Delay (in seconds) between invocations of the
remote agent, but only used when the "debug" MCA parameter is true, or
the top-level MCA debugging is enabled (otherwise this value is ignored)
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_rsh_reap" (current value: "1")
                          If set to 1, wait for all the processes to
complete before exiting.  Otherwise, quit immediately -- without waiting
for confirmation that all other processes in the job have completed.
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_rsh_assume_same_shell" (current
value: "1")
                          If set to 1, assume that the shell on the
remote node is the same as the shell on the local node.  Otherwise,
probe for what the remote shell.
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_rsh_agent" (current value: "ssh
: rsh")
                          The command used to launch executables on
remote nodes (typically either "ssh" or "rsh")
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_slurm_debug" (current value:
                          Enable debugging of slurm pls
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_slurm_priority" (current value:
                          Default selection priority
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_slurm_orted" (current value:
                          Command to use to start proxy orted
                 MCA pls: parameter "pls_slurm_args" (current value:
                          Custom arguments to srun
                 MCA sds: parameter "sds" (current value: <none>)
                          Default selection set of components for the
sds framework (<none> means "use all components that can be found")
                 MCA sds: parameter "sds_base_verbose" (current value:
                          Verbosity level for the sds framework (0 = no
                 MCA sds: parameter "sds_env_priority" (current value:
                 MCA sds: parameter "sds_pipe_priority" (current value:
                 MCA sds: parameter "sds_seed_priority" (current value:
                 MCA sds: parameter "sds_singleton_priority" (current
value: "0")
                 MCA sds: parameter "sds_slurm_priority" (current value:

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