Thanks for all your inputs.

It is good to know this initial latency is an expected behavior and the
workaround by using one dummy iteration before timing is started.

I did not notice this because my older parallel CFD code runs a large number
 of time steps and the initial latency was compensated.

But recently I am teaching MPI stuff using small parallel codes and noticed
this behavior.

This relieves my concern about our system performance.

Thanks again.

> Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 11:18:24 -0500
> From: Gus Correa <>
> Subject: Re: [OMPI users] mpi functions are slow when first called and
>        become normal afterwards
> To: Open MPI Users <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Eugene Loh wrote:
> > RightCFD wrote:
> >>
> >>     Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 15:45:06 -0400
> >>     From: Brock Palen < <>>
> >>     Subject: Re: [OMPI users] mpi functions are slow when first called
> and
> >>            become normal afterwards
> >>     To: Open MPI Users < <>>
> >>     Message-ID: <
> >>     <>>
> >>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
> >>
> >>     > When MPI_Bcast and MPI_Reduce are called for the first time, they
> >>     > are very slow. But after that, they run at normal and stable
> speed.
> >>     > Is there anybody out there who have encountered such problem? If
> you
> >>     > need any other information, please let me know and I'll provide.
> >>     > Thanks in advance.
> >>
> >>     This is expected, and I think you can dig though the message archive
> >>     to find the answer.  OMPI does not wireup all the communication at
> >>     startup, thus the first time you communicate with a host the
> >>     connection is made, but after that it is fast because it is already
> >>     open.  This behavior is expected, and is needed for very large
> systems
> >>     where you could run out of sockets for some types of communication
> >>     with so many hosts.
> >>
> >>     Brock Palen
> >> <>
> >>     Center for Advanced Computing
> >> <>
> >>     (734)936-1985
> >>
> >>     Thanks for your reply. I am surprised to know this is an expected
> >>     behavior of OMPI. I searched the archival but did not find many
> >>     relevant messages. I am wondering why other users of OMPI do not
> >>     complain this. Is there a way to avoid this when timing an MPI
> >>     program?
> >>
> > An example of this is the NAS Parallel Benchmarks, which have been
> > around nearly 20 years.  They:
> >
> > *) turn timers on after MPI_Init and off before MPI_Finalize
> > *) execute at least one iteration before starting timers
> >
> > Even so, with at least one of the NPB tests and with at least one MPI
> > implementation, I've seen more than one iteration needed to warm things
> > up.  That is, if you timed each iteration, you could see that multiple
> > iterations were needed to warm everything up.  In performance analysis,
> > it is reasonably common to expect to have to run multiple iterations and
> > correct data set size to get representative behavior.
> >
> >
> And I would guess in OpenMPI, maybe in other implementations too,
> the time you spend warming up, probing the best way to do things,
> is widely compensated for during steady state execution,
> if the number of iterations is not very small.
> This seems to be required to accommodate for the large variety
> of hardware and software platforms, and be efficient on all of them.
> Right?
> AFAIK, other high quality software (e.g. FFTW)
> do follow a similar rationale.
> Gus Correa
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