[one-users] Cluster node connection error

2011-10-21 Thread bala suru
Hi, I have set the user oneadmin with uid 1001 and home path /srv/cloud/one at the both *front end *and *cluster end* of the systems . First I copied the id_dsa key to the cluster node then Checked the SSH password less login it work fine then I did nfs mount the /srv/cloud of frontend system at

Re: [one-users] onevm STOP error

2011-09-22 Thread bala suru
rs=3) > > Hope it helps, > Samuel. > > > > On 19 September 2011 12:30, bala suru wrote: > >> >> Hi, >> I'm getting the same error . >> here is the export file of nfs server my /etc/export file >> >> /srv/cloud >>,no_r

[one-users] onevm saveas error

2011-09-20 Thread bala suru
Hi, I have used a some simple way to copy the image running Vm image(insted of onevm saveas) , 1. I did some modification over the running image(creating some files) 2. issued onevm suspend 3. copied var/images/ file of the running image 4. Registered the above copied image as a new image 5 . lau

[one-users] onevm save method error

2011-09-20 Thread bala suru
Hi, I could not succeed in saving the VM using onevm saveas command . I tried may of the suggestion provided but still I same error exist . http://lists.opennebula.org/pipermail/users-opennebula.org/2011-March/004394.html I can suspend/Resume the VM this and all works fine , Hence I wanted to tr

Re: [one-users] Users Digest, Vol 43, Issue 32

2011-09-19 Thread bala suru
nto it. > > > bye > Fabian > > > -- > > Message: 2 > Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 13:25:40 +0200 > From: Fabian Wenk > To: users@lists.opennebula.org > Subject: Re: [one-users] onevm STOP error > Message-ID: <4e733234.1050...@wenks.c

Re: [one-users] onevm STOP error

2011-09-19 Thread bala suru
t; Message: 2 > Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 13:25:40 +0200 > From: Fabian Wenk > To: users@lists.opennebula.org > Subject: Re: [one-users] onevm STOP error > Message-ID: <4e733234.1050...@wenks.ch> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed > > Hello Bala > >

[one-users] onevm STOP error

2011-09-16 Thread bala suru
Hi, When try to stop the VM I get the following error message at the log files. Sat Sep 10 16:41:05 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 49 ExitCode: 1 Sat Sep 10 16:41:05 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: SAVE FAILURE 49 error: Failed to save domain one-49 to /srv/cloud/one/var//49/images/chec

[one-users] Need help to save the VM

2011-09-14 Thread bala suru
Hi, I have deployed the VM and it runs well then I have done some changes in the VM and I want to save that VM , so I used the following method . onevm saveas onevm shutdown then I tried create new VM from the image which I have saved , but this stays at the boot state only , it never goes

[one-users] VM image save problem opennebula

2011-09-12 Thread bala suru
Hi, I have deployed the VM and it runs well then I have done some changes in the VM and I want to save that VM , so I used the following method . onevm saveas onevm shutdown then I tried create new VM from the image which I have saved , but this stays at the boot state only , it never goes

[one-users] Unable to save the VM , Operation not permitted

2011-09-12 Thread bala suru
Hi , I could deploy the VM successfully and when I try to save the VM image I get the following error , how to resolve this ..? Tue Sep 6 01:27:09 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 26 STDERR follows. Tue Sep 6 01:27:09 2011 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 26 error: Failed to save domain

[one-users] Ttylinux runs but other version gives problem

2011-07-27 Thread bala suru
Hi, I have installed the Sample ttylinux example on to the KVM-qemu using opennebula tool kit , it runs really well and I could do SSH in to that . Since the sample ttylinux does not supports GCC I went with ws-tylinux-i486-12.6.iso.gz (which Is given on the ttylinux site) image , I down

[one-users] OS running inside aVM

2011-07-25 Thread bala suru
Hi, I could install the ttylinux.one image example and run. Now I could do SSH to the example and run few command as well, now if I want to read and write some data using VM which is running How to do this from the OS running inside aVM ? and How to find which OS running inside VM ..? regards

Re: [one-users] File data store and acces from VM

2011-07-22 Thread bala suru
to store static data in a > CDROM image and mount it in your VMs. > > Regards. > > -- > Carlos Martín, MSc > Project Major Contributor > OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing > www.OpenNebula.org <http://www.opennebula.org/> | cmar...@opennebula.or

[one-users] File data store and acces from VM

2011-07-21 Thread bala suru
Hi, I have installed the Opennebula, and I could run the sample ttylinux example. Now I have some basic doubts at putting the data in to VMs,, I have some data in XML schema format and I have to put this XML file in the VM running and retrieve it from the other VM which is running on the same hos