If you update the pool_control table without a cleanup of the pool tables
you will face some inconsistencies.
To "reset" opennebula, the easiest way is to delete the DB. With sqlite,
just execute 'rm /var/lib/one/one.db', or issue a 'drop database' in mysql.
Carlos Martín, MSc
I believe the database table 'pool_control' contains that information,
a "update pool_control set last_oid=0 where tablename like 'vm_pool'"
would reset the vm-counter.
Exactly how you update it, would depend on if you are using mysql or
Håkan Isaksson
Init System Management
After lots of lots of test, now I want to clean up all my cloud.
Does exist a way to clean all templates that I built?
I want to have my IDs from 0 again! :/
Thanks in advance.
Matheus Torquato
Undergraduate in Computer Science
Federal University of Alagoas