Hello Opennebula users,

I was reading the OpenNebula documentation, and there is the following
statement about the Hold state:
"The owner has held the VM and it will not be scheduled until it is
released. It can be, however, deployed manually."

I'm trying to deploy a VM on hold, but I get the message
"[VirtualMachineDeploy] Wrong state to perform action".
Currently, I'm only being able to deploy pending VMs. I don't have a RANK
policy because I just want the manual deployment.

I'm also a bit confused because the documentation refers to this diagram:
It does not show that it is possible to deploy from Hold.

There is only a group of VMs that I don't want to be scheduled, so I'm
using the same template for them. If I don't hold them, will the scheduler
try to deploy?
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