<>; Hadi Noira
Omar; Shahrin Mohamad Fuzi; Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Subject: Re: [one-users] VM reschedule and Host flush features through Live
Both operations uses the scheduler, the migration action of the schedu
Both operations uses the scheduler, the migration action of the scheduler
can be configured in sched.conf, change
to 1. Then re-schedule and flush will use live migrations.
As a side note, We are also adding more "DRS" like features with the
storage scheduler. You will be
Hi all,
I performed few tests on VM reschedule and Host flush features, as a result it
gave me some doubt on top of my head.
The behavior of "onevm resched" and "onehost flush" execution is using "cold
migration" instead of using "Live Migration". Is there any reason why it cannot
be done thr