Could it be that your front-end lost connection to the node for a moment?
Please check that oneadmin can still ssh passwordless from the front-end to
the node.
In this thread [1] you'll find a great how-to on bridge set up.
Thanks Calros for the answer.
But I'm trying to install open nebula express using VBox and i couldn't
figure out exactly how to fix bridging within such a config.
I'm using 2 VMs, a worker and a head installed into 2 VBox machines.
Could you specify the right commands.
2011/6/20 Car
Hi Ami,
Depending on what you are trying achieve, you may find easier to just use
the dummy drivers.
Uncomment the three of them (im_, vmm_, tm_) in /etc/one/oned.conf. This way
you can fake Host monitoring, and deploy and manage VMs.
Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Major Contributor
I'm trying to install opennebula on two VM instances , a header and a
worker, on VBox within my laptop to run few test.
The problem is that when i execute "brctl addbr br0" and try to configure
the bridge, the stat of the worker with"onehost list" became "err"
I wonder if it is feasible to ins