I haven't used windows for years but perhaps it is not happy with ACPI =
no? Or perhaps it requires PAE = yes (should be default though)?. Which
hypervisor are you using? Perhaps setting ARCH to the right value helps?

These are just random ideas though...


El 26/04/11 09:42, Khoa Nguyen escribió:
> Hj all.
> I create a file winxp.img .
> qemu-img create -f qcow2 winxp.img 3G
> sudo qemu -m 256  -hda winxp.img -cdrom WinXP.iso -boot d
> after installing successful. I test this file img.
> sudo qemu -m 256  -hda winxp.img -boot c
> It is successful. Unfortunaly, When i create it from opennebula. I can
> boot but it display " .*....safe mode , safe mode with networking ...
> start window normally*". then I choose one of them but I cant access. It
> display "*safe mode ...*". Any one know? please help me?
> Some information about file.one
> NAME   = may1
> CPU    = 1.5
> MEMORY = 1024
> OS      = [
>          BOOT   = hd]
>   DISK   = [
>  source   = "/srv/cloud/images/winxp/winxp.img",
>   target   = "hda",
>   DRIVER=    qcow2,
>   readonly = "no" ]
> NIC    = [ NETWORK = "Small network" ]
> FEATURES=[ acpi="no" ]
>   type = "vnc",
>   listen = "",
>   port = "5903"]
> thank u in advance.
> -- 
> Nguyễn Vũ Văn Khoa
> Đại học Khoa Học Tự Nhiên TP HCM
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