One amazing aspect of templates on openshift is that you can process it
without depending on the web gui:

$ oc process -f template.yml -v PARM1=value1,PARM2=43 -o json >

Then create all objects at once:

$ oc create -f processed-template.json

Or, you you prefer, in a single shot:

$ oc process -f template.yml -v PARM1=value1,PARM2=43 -o json | oc create
-f -

*Mateus Caruccio*
Master of Puppets
+55 (51) 8298.0026

* <>twitter:
@MateusCaruccio <>*
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Thank you!

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Candide Kemmler <>

> I didn't realize that. That's awesome. Loving OpenShift a little more
> everyday.
> Templates indeed look like the way to go for me and being able to look at
> the source of working templates is fantastic.
> Best,
> Candide
> On 26 Jan 2016, at 19:24, Mateus Caruccio <>
> wrote:
> Hi Candice.
> What you need is already there. All services may be referenced by it's
> name. There is an internal DNS service for that.
> Suppose you've created 2 microservices: ms1 and ms2. In order to ms1
> connect to ms2, just use the hostname as the same name for the service,
> i.e. "ms2".
> Regarding deployments, "templates" are exactly what you are looking for.
> Templates have "parameters", where one can input data. Those values can be
> used inside other objects of the templates (a templates is basically a list
> of objects to be built, plus optional parameters). Those parameters can be
> referenced like shell variables.
> For example, see how this[1] parameter is being used here[2].
> You may what to start from an existing template from your own
> installation. Just "oc get templates -n openshift", then "oc export
> templates/<name> -n openshift".
> [1]
> [2]
> *Mateus Caruccio*
> Master of Puppets
> +55 (51) 8298.0026
> gtalk:
> * <>twitter:
> @MateusCaruccio <>*
> This message and any attachment are solely for the intended
> recipient and may contain confidential or privileged information
> and it can not be forwarded or shared without permission.
> Thank you!
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 3:57 PM, Candide Kemmler <>
> wrote:
>> I understand how it is possible, using OpenShift to create a few pods as
>> microservices and to wire them together to create a composite application.
>> Each pod/microservice gets its own build and deployment lifecycle, which is
>> great. With my current knowledge the way I would gradually build this
>> application is less than optimal:
>> I would start by deploying service 1, note its IP address then,
>> I would deploy service 2 and wire service 1's IP address as it depends on
>> it
>> ...and so on
>> So I'm wondering if there is a way that I can discover services at
>> runtime, possibly by name. I know about fabric8's api but at first glance
>> it seems a bit cumbersome to use.
>> Ideally I would like to deploy the entire app made of multiple services
>> in one step, as a template, for instance. Again what I don't understand is
>> how the wiring of service is accomplished in a generic way.
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