Hi. Try add "tcp_children=0".
18.09.2017 19:21, Sumit Birla пишет:
“disable_tcp=yes” in the config script gives a syntax error message. Is there
any way to disable tcp listener in OpenSIPS 2.3 to prevent the following
processes from starting up?
Process:: ID=8 PID=26510 Type=TCP receiver
I have been using the (modules 2-2) Fraud Detection Module for over a
year now and everything has seemed OK, but an incorrectly set up auto
dialler has uncovered an issue with concurrent calls...
Normally you make a call and the concurrent calls statistic increments
for the user, once th
Here are the global parameters in the script:
log_stderror = no
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
log_level = 3
children = 4
auto_aliases = no
listen = udp:eth0:5060
The rest:
loadmodule "signaling.so"
StateLess module
loadmodule "sl.so"
Transaction Mo
Share your config please... what are your listen directives?
On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 1:23 PM Sumit Birla wrote:
> “disable_tcp=yes” in the config script gives a syntax error message. Is
> there any way to disable tcp listener in OpenSIPS 2.3 to prevent the
> following processes from starting u
“disable_tcp=yes” in the config script gives a syntax error message. Is there
any way to disable tcp listener in OpenSIPS 2.3 to prevent the following
processes from starting up?
Process:: ID=8 PID=26510 Type=TCP receiver
Process:: ID=9 PID=26511 Type=TCP receiver
Process:: ID=10 PID=26512
Hi Denis,
For around 6 minutes since startup of the first proxy, the second proxy
is either not fully booted up or the clusterer table is not loaded so it
can't reply to its pings. The issue occurs from this point on, but the
chunk of log messages you've provided ends soon after so I couldn't
Hello! Is there any information about problem? Thank you. -- С уважением, Денис.Best regards, Denis 08.09.2017, 13:46, "Denis via Users" :Hello, Vlad! Sorry for long answer. So, here (https://yadi.sk/i/j9a4CZhS3MiJEm) you can find the log file. In this file i tried to display information in chr
El reciente eclipse de sol en Estados Unidos nos ha dejado incontables fotos preciosas del evento,
muchas muy calculadas y planeadas. A veces, sin embargo, la mejor foto, la historia que mejor te lo
cuenta es la que no estuvo planeada, la que surgió y se vivió de forma completamente entregada al
Hi, Khalil!
To be honest, I think this event was initially made to be used with the
MI dlg_end_dlg command, which only terminates a dialog. However, you
could run 'opensipsctl fifo dlg_list' and match the hash_id and
hash_entry against the returned values, and then identify the callid.
If yo