
I installed and OpenSIPS 1.6.2 and openCP 1.4.
I configured the cdrviewer part.
I am puzzled of the format of the CDRs

basically the acc/cdrs, cron and display mechanism in the openSIPS CP is 
working fine.
I got all the information stored in the DB, in the CDRS table (coming 
from acc processing).
but in the OpenCP by default I have fields I do not have in the acc 
table (caller, Callee, Leg Type).

Do we have to manually define extra accounting fields in acc to get the 
correct display in the CP?
If so, shall the tables (acc & cdrs) be modified accordingly?

by default the cdrs table in 1.6 is limited to the following fields
- cdr_id
- call_start_time
- duration
- sip_call_id
- sip_from_tag
- sip_to_tag
- created

thus no caller and callee here..or did I miss something?



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