
Our radius application is having trouble parsing the full SIP URI for  
accounting purposes in the packets being sent to them. A simple  
solution would be to extract the "user" (read phone number) portion of  
the from and to fields, and pass this information to the Radius server.

Is there already an AVP that has this information, or alternatively a  
module we can use to extract this information and insert it into an AVP?


Andrew Yager, Managing Director   (MACS BCompSc MCP)
Real World Technology Solutions Pty Ltd  - your IT department
ph: 1300 798 718 or (02) 9037 0500
fax: (02) 9037 0591 mob: 0405 152 568
http://www.rwts.com.au/ or http://www.stonebridgecomputing.com.au/

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