Hi Anca,
Thanks for your reply.
I was checking the module documentation of 1.6 version for b2b_logic where
both the parameters custom_headers as well as cleanup_period is documented.
Later I realized that it points to the devel folder.
I will check with the devel version anyways. But just for my understanding;
is the code snippet pasted kind of correct. I mean if the $rd is specified
to the script and b2b_init is called will rest of the work like initiating
dialogs on both sides and bridging calls will be handled automatically.
Nothin else needs to be done??

Thanks for all the help !!

--- Jayesh

Hi Jayesh,
> FIrst of all, the error that those parameters do not exist is normal
> since they do not exist :). costum_headers is a parameter that was added
> in devel branch, and the correct name for the other parameter is
> clean_period. But I have checked now, and in the documentation it is in
> fact written "cleanup_period". I will fix this in the code to really
> have "cleanup_period".
> Can you please investigate the core file with gdb and print here the
> backtrace? There is also another crash report and I am investigating it
> now.
> Regards,
> --
> Anca Vamanu
> www.voice-system.ro
> Jayesh Nambiar wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I have been trying to do some experiments with B2b modules in
> > Opensips. What I am trying to do is create another OpenSips instance
> > which will only act as Topology Hiding Server in front of my proxy.
> > So calls processed from my proxy will go to the B2b Opensips instance,
> > the B2b instance will extract a header which will contain the
> > destination domain and route the call to that domain in B2b mode (Is
> > this doable?).
> > First issue:
> > I get these errors on loading the parameters:
> > parameter <cleanup_period> not found in module <b2b_logic>
> > parameter <custom_headers> not found in module <b2b_logic>
> > I have compiled Opensips 1.6.1 from source in Debian.
> >
> > Second Issue:
> > I commented these parameters and tried running opensips but ran into
> > Segfault.
> > Snippet of my cfg file:
> >
> > loadmodule "b2b_entities.so"
> > modparam("b2b_entities", "server_address", 
> > "sip:b2...@opensips.org<sip%3ab2...@opensips.org>
> > <mailto:sip%3ab2...@opensips.org <sip%253ab2...@opensips.org>>")
> >
> > loadmodule "b2b_logic.so"
> > #modparam("b2b_logic", "cleanup_period", 60)
> > #modparam("b2b_logic", "custom_headers", "Status")
> >
> > route {
> >      if(method=="INVITE") {
> >              $rd = $hdr(Dest);
> >              b2b_init_request("top hiding");
> >              exit;
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > Can i find few more examples somewhere of using the B2B modules in
> > opensips so that i can start thinking of how do I integrate these
> > features into my current setup !!
> > Any help is very much appreciated as always.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > --- Jayesh
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> >
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