[Pw_forum] Electron-phonon coupling

2003-03-29 Thread Eyvaz Isaev
Dear all, Now I am trying to calculate the electron-phonon coupling constant. According to the 7-th example the code is able to calculate the EPC constant for an arbitrary k-point in the BZ (\lambda_{nk}). I followed this example and now I am calculating \lambda_{nk} for a number of k-points in

[Pw_forum] installation Error

2003-03-29 Thread Eyvaz Isaev
Dear Mahmoud, The "-w" flag should be added to compiler options (FFLAGS) in order to avoid warning messages. What concerns underscores, you can try add the -DADD_BLAS_ONE_UNDERSCORE flag to CPPFLAGS. Besides, your FFTW library should be linked before the MKL-one. Hope it works. Regards, Eyvaz

[Pw_forum] Electron-phonon coupling

2003-03-29 Thread ma Yanming
Dear Gosia Sorry for replying you so late. I'd already calculated the E_P coupling for most of possible q vectors to try to analyze the results. So It takes time. I use Norm-Conserving PPs. As what you said, for some q vectors with small phonon frequencies, the calculated E_P coupling is extrem

[Pw_forum] Electron-phonon coupling

2003-03-29 Thread ma Yanming
Dear Gosia Sorry for replying you so late. I'd already calculated the E_P coupling for most of possible q vectors to try to analyze the results. So It takes time. I use Norm-Conserving PPs. As what you said, for some q vectors with small phonon frequencies, the calculated E_P coupling is extrem

[Pw_forum] installation Error

2003-03-29 Thread Mahmoud Payami
Dear Paolo and Hosik, Thank you very much for your helps. I have downloaded the fftw3 and installed. The location of the "libfftw3.a" file is "/usr/local/lib" In "make.sys", I have changed the "-lfftw" to "/usr/local/lib/libfftw3.a". (Some other "fft" also exists at "/opt/intel/mkl/tests/fftf/sourc