Dear QE members and users
I using " thermo_pw" code for DOS calculations under external pressure,
namely I used the command " MUR_LC_DOS".
Everything was alright until the nscf calculations which return error
message " Error in routine read_minimal_info (2):
problems writing file".
Some remarks about your input file:
1) the error message means that the number of bands you specify is not
enough to accommodate all the electrons,
usually you do not need to specify nbnd in scf/relax calculations (whereas
it is needed in bands/dos calculations if you want
to span a given rage of
I am new in QE. After running a simple SCF calculation on the NCI cluster, I
got an error message in the output file:
Program PWSCF v.6.6 starts on 14Mar2024 at 23:16:11
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite for
quantum simulation of materials; please c
Dear all,
I'm using XSpectra to calculate XAS.
Although I got XAS spectra, the calculations were not converged i.e. errors
were above the threshold (error) after the iteration reached the maximum.
Since SCF calculations were converged, I guess that I'm using proper
configurations for XAS calculat