Re: [QE-users] Polarization calculation using nscf

2022-06-23 Thread Amar Singh via users
"branch" picked up by the system and should remain invariant. thanks From: "Amar Singh"<> Sent: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 18:16:26 To: "users"<> Subject: Re: Polarization calculation using nscf What I

Re: [QE-users] Polarization calculation using nscf

2022-06-22 Thread Amar Singh via users
What I understood up to now is that the bracketed number (mode 0.5099 C/m2) is, what the reference calls the "quantum of polarization", and it depends upon the size and choice of the unit-cell selected. On the other hand, the number outside bracket is the "change in polarization", which is typi

[QE-users] Polarization calculation using nscf

2022-06-21 Thread Amar Singh via users
Hi, My NSCF calculation on BaTiO3 resulted in a polarization value in o/p file as "P =  -0.2274527  (mod   0.5081493)  C/m^2" along {001} direction.  How should I read this? Is the polarization 0.22 C/m^2? What is this number 0.508?  Thanks  Amar  __

[QE-users] PBEsol PP for transition atom

2022-06-02 Thread Amar Singh via users
Hi, I am trying to run SCF calculation for a transition metal doped crystal using PBE/PBEsol PPs. For the original structure (without transition metal) SCF converges easily with both PBE ad PBEsol. However, as soon as I replace an atom with transition atom, SCF convergence does not take place wi

[Pw_forum] Frequency of Noose thermostat

2018-02-14 Thread Amar Singh
Hi Friends,​I am trying to use Noose thermostat for CP of a insulator oxide molecule. According to the previously reported vibration spectra, oscillation frequency should lie at about 12 THz. Though it did not seem to be working, as I am getting a fluctuation of tempp about 1000% of set value (T

[Pw_forum] tempp shoot up problem in CP

2018-02-05 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Friends,​I am trying to do CP-MD on a small unit (10 atoms, to start with) following the steps recommended in different examples/user guide. Everything converges fine for achieving electronic ground state and ion relaxation. As soon as I start CP dynamics with verlet, tempp starts to shoot

[Pw_forum] CP Help

2018-01-30 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Friends,​I am trying to understand CP-MD to optimize a structure at room temperature. Right now, I am struggling to understand the parameters like emass, emass cutoff, ion velocities and nrb etc and how to optimize (decide) their best possible values for a certain case. I would be thankful

[Pw_forum] Error: ...excited on signal 9 (killed)

2017-12-22 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Friends,​I am trying a vc-relax on a 320 atom supercell on a 40 processor/256 GB RAM system. As soon as the first iteration starts, run is terminated with following message.mpi has noticed that process rank 14 with PID 25185 n node Linux-mix excited on signal 9 (killed).​With increasing num

[Pw_forum] Computational Speed for pw.x

2017-12-11 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Lorenzo Paulatto,​Thanks for the response. I have few questions based upon some literature I found online.​1. I found somewhere that open-mpi may provide parallelization upto few processors, but not for a large number of them. If so, could MPI be a better option.  ​2. I do not have Intel MK

[Pw_forum] Computational Speed for pw.x

2017-12-11 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Lorenzo Paulatto & Sitangshu Bhattacharya,​Thanks for your suggestions.​I did try to check the computing performance with respect to no of processors for a ten atom unit. I found that computation time is minimum for 8 processors (k 4 4 4) and increases on moving on either side. Similarly, v

[Pw_forum] Computational Speed for pw.x

2017-12-07 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Dr. Bhattacharya,​Thanks for the link. Though, being very naïve to such computation, I am not able to figure out the best possible set of parameters I should start with. Would be thankful if you can suggest some typical values for -np, -ni, -nk, -nt and -nd for the system with 40 processors

[Pw_forum] Computational Speed for pw.x

2017-12-06 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Friends,​I am trying to vc-relax a 40 atom supercell using a 40 processor/256GB RAM (Dell 7910) computer equipped with open-mpi. Following is the command I used to run the QE​mpirun pw.x -np 40 < > XXX.out​​I noticed that the processing speed is slightly better than single processor,

[Pw_forum] Alterntive of Makov-Payne correction for noncubic systems

2017-11-06 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Friends,I want to optimize a structure with nonzero tot_charge and having issue with the conversion. I read on forum that Makov-Payne correction may help in conversion, but works only for cubic systems. Is there a way to use M-P correction for non-cubic system ? If not, what could be the ne

[Pw_forum] Reading *.out file

2017-11-03 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Friends,​My vc-relax *.out file shows the same celldm parameters at the end of file as in the beginning, though the volume of cell has changed. Why it is so, and how can I find the new optimized lattice parameters.Can any software convert this *.out file to *.cif or any other format where I

[Pw_forum] Fw: Contracting cell volume for supercell in vc-relax

2017-10-28 Thread Amar Singh
Hi Friends,​I am trying to optimize a supercell using vc-relax using ibrav = 14, unit cell volume keeps on shrinking and finally ends up with an error "Not enough space allocated for radial FFT: try restarting with a larger cell_factor". Using cell factor = 8 and ecutrho = 10 X ecutwfc helped a

[Pw_forum] Contracting cell volume for supercell in vc-relax

2017-10-27 Thread Amar Singh
Hi Friends,​I am trying to optimize a supercell using vc-relax. In a first step, I used the space group to optimize one unit cell which gives a reasonable cell volume. Later, when I tried using same unit cell to optimize a supercell using ibrav = 14, unit cell volume keeps on shrinking and final

[Pw_forum] Contracting cell volume for supercell in vc-relax

2017-10-26 Thread Amar Singh
Hi Friends,​I am tryin to optimize a supercell using vc-relax. In a first step, I used the space group to optimize one unit cell which gives a reasonable cell volume. Later, when I tried using same unit cell to optimize a supercell using ibrav = 14, unit cell volume keeps on shrinking and finall

[Pw_forum] Fw: Supercell with sides not parallel to lattice vectors

2017-10-15 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Friends,​I have a rhombohedral unit cell of ten atoms (two molecules per cell). I want to form a supercell of this structure having 40 atoms, but its sides are not be parallel to the lattice vectors of original unit cell. My first impression is that I can't use the original lattice paramete

[Pw_forum] Supercell with sides not parallel to lattice vectors

2017-10-09 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Friends,​I have a rhombohedral unit cell of ten atoms (two molecules per cell). I want to form a supercell of this structure having 40 atoms, but its sides are not be parallel to the lattice vectors of original unit cell. My first impression is that I can't use the original lattice paramete

[Pw_forum] Installation of QE on Ubuntu/VirtualBox

2017-10-07 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Friends,​I am trying to install QE on my i7/ Windows 10 computer through Virtual box/Ubuntu so that I can use more than one processor. I found some instructions on the forum ( and tried to follow them.I have already installed f

[Pw_forum] F centers in QE

2017-10-03 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Friends,​How can we represent F centers in a structure for QE calculations. F centers basically mean removing a oxygen from the structure and placing none, one or two electrons at the vacancy (respectively F+2, F+1 and F0 centers). As a result, the unit cell will have a net charge of +2, +1

[Pw_forum] Error in routine Invmat (1) : error in DGETRF

2017-09-27 Thread Amar Singh
Hi Friends,​ I am trying to use pw.x (and pw.exe before) for a structure optimization. Initially I was using QE5.3 on windows 10 and was encountering "Error in routine Invmat (1) : error in DGETRF" error. I found on forum ( that

[Pw_forum] Space Group Issue  

2017-09-19 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Paolo Giannozzi ​, Thanks for your valuable suggestion, it helped up to some extent. I really appreciate your help.I tried your suggestion, with approximate values of lattice parameters for rhombohedral setting (as I have lattice parameters for only hexagonal settings). Following is the par

[Pw_forum] Space Group not generating al atoms

2017-09-18 Thread Amar Singh
​Dear Friends,I am trying to use R3c space group for BaTiO3 with hexagonal unit cell. Space group R3C (no. 161) should generate 6 units of BaTiO3. While in QE, space group 161 is correctly generating 6 Ba and Ti, O atoms are also 6 in numbers, which should be 18. ​I also confirmed the positions

[Pw_forum] Space Group Issue

2017-09-18 Thread Amar Singh
Thanks for the suggestion Paolo Giannozzi. ​Removing ibrav working fine partially. Space group R3C (no. 161) itself generated six equivalent positions for Ba and Ti, which is correct according to the known structure. Though, even generated O atoms are six in numbers, which should be 18. ​I also

[Pw_forum] Space Group Issue

2017-09-18 Thread Amar Singh
positions of all atoms by another software (Diamond) and it is able to generate 18 O atoms along with six Ba & Ti. Would be thankful for any suggestion on that.thanks​ASFrom: "Amar Singh"<>Sent: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 20:55:14To: <pw_forum@pwscf.o

[Pw_forum] Space Group Issue

2017-09-18 Thread Amar Singh
Dear Friends,​Its my first appearance on forum and hope I can reach you via I am trying to optimize the structure of BaTiO3 in R3C space group (No. 161). I am using the lattice parameters as suggested on QE website, Celldm (1) = a (bohr) and Celldm (3) = c/a. While b = a and