these 4 degenerated states
between different calculations despite their equal energy,
such that kband=2 is always the same one?
Antoine Jay LAAS-CNRS
ing energy barrier for protonation using neb
calculation but the barrier is turning out to be 0 ev but as we all know
activation barrier cant be zero do suggest some solutionthanks in advance
Antoine Jay LAAS-CNRS 7, Avenue du Colonel Roche
(+33)5 61 33 79 56 BP 54200, 31031 Toulouse cedex 4
Equipe M^3 Modélisation Multi-niveaux des Matériaux
Antoine Jay LAAS-CNRS 7, Avenue du Colonel Roche
(+33)5 61 33 79 56 BP 54200, 31031 Toulouse cedex 4
Antoine Jay
Le Samedi, Octobre 30, 2021 11:46 CEST, Lorenzo Monacelli
a écrit:
Dear Antonine Jay,
By looking at your frequencies, they seem not well converged. Consider
that in a perfectly converged calculation the ASR should be respected
and its application should affect only tra
g that the
system is well at a minimum.
Increasing the size of the displacement in my Frozen phonon permits me to see
the double minima switching between C2 and C1h.
I suppose that the size of the perturbation in DFPT is too high...? Where can I
change it is the code?
Best regards,
Antoine Jay
ssing when
K_POINT gamma, probably due to some symmetries used with the gamma trick.
Does anyone know how to extract the full G grid when gamma is used?
Antoine Jay
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users ma
isolated Li.
Antoine Jay
Toulouse, France
Le Mercredi, Mars 24, 2021 03:52 CET, LEUNG Clarence a
Dear QE users,
Recently, I study on the Li ion diffusion on 2D layer surface. And I found that
the K-point in neb.x significantly affects the barrier. The following
reason, except for large supercells at gamma only, I always do
Antoine Jay
Toulouse France
Le Vendredi, Novembre 06, 2020 01:04 CET, Michal Krompiec via users
a écrit:
Dear Brad,Fast communications means here Infiniband or other RDMA. Make sure
your MPI uses RDMA
the user has some intuitive intermediate image.
Antoine Jay
Toulouse, France
Le Lundi, Octobre 26, 2020 20:07 CET, Tamas Karpati a
Dear Omer,
You have shown a figure of a MEP. Most probably image 4 is either R (reactant)
or P (product). In one case im2=R, im3=TS, im4
Antoine Jay
Toulouse, France
Le Lundi, Octobre 26, 2020 09:10 CET, Omer Mutasim a
Dear Dr. JayI have relaxed the initial and final structures before neb.
Regarding simulation box, i'm using sqrt(3)*sqrt(3) supercell, the other five
reaction steps converged well
simulation box is too small.
Antoine Jay
Toulouse, France
Le Lundi, Octobre 26, 2020 06:39 CET, Omer Mutasim a
Thanks a lot Dr. Tamas & Dr. Jay. , it is very efficient procedure, it
worked for me now for all reaction steps. cheers However for one elemen
Antoine Jay
Toulouse, France
Le Mercredi, Octobre 21, 2020 21:04 CEST, Omer Mutasim
a écrit:
Very helpful ideas.But after pre-converging with inexpensive parameters, i
will get first & last image that are different than my actual images
be already done during the
restart to check that they are all finished.
I was wondering if there exist any trick to avoid this reading that is useless
as the new representations are independant of the previous ones.
Antoine Jay
Dear all,
I had some trouble when doing a phonon calculation with qe6.6 combined with
When the run stop before the end of the 2nd order response (Raman tensor),
which occurs quite often for big systems the restart crash.
Has this special case been tacken into account?
Dear Iurii,
As the resulting U are drastically different (>1eV),
what is the criterium that we should use to decide wich is the "good" projector
for a given system?
Antoine Jay
Toulouse, France
Le Mercredi, Août 26, 2020 11:13 CEST, Timrov Iurii a
e density approx. for the potential"
Le Lundi, Août 17, 2020 16:37 CEST, Sebastian Hütter
a écrit:
Am 17.08.2020 um 09:15 schrieb Antoine Jay:
> Please note that I start from the wfcs of exactely the same configuration and
> parameters by using startingwfc='fi
ecsum couldbe bad performed when some PAW data are
" Checking if some PAW data can be deallocated...
PAW data deallocated on 4 nodes for type: 1
PAW data deallocated on 32 nodes for type: 2
PAW data deallocated on 35 nodes for type: 3"
ready automatically changed...
Antoine Jay
Toulouse, France
Le Samedi, Août 15, 2020 17:10 CEST, Stefano de Gironcoli a
Hi Antoine,
don't know exactly why you get this result but one thing you can try is to
set diag_thr_init ~ conv_thr/Nelec/10 so the first diagonal
Thank you,
pot_extrapolation='none' combined with wfc_extrapolation='none' does the
Antoine Jay
Toulouse, France
Le Lundi, Août 03, 2020 13:06 CEST, Paolo Giannozzi a
Try pot_extrapolation='none' Paolo On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 12:49 P
Dear all,
Is it possible to perform a relaxation calculation without using the charge
density of the previous geometry?
startingpot and startingwfc have no influence on the second optimized
Best regards,
Antoine Jay
Toulouse, France
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ \
pw_export.o libpp.a $(MODULES) $(LIBOBJS) $(QELIBS)
- ( cd ../../bin ; ln -fs ../PP/src/$@ . )
Note that this does not work anymore with the GIT version (>6.5) because the
dependancies have changed.
Antoine Jay
Toulouse, Fra
Dear Rekha,
This is not the problem, I really write nqx1=5, nqx2=5, nqx3=3.
Any idea?
Antoine Jay
Le Samedi, Juillet 04, 2020 05:37 CEST, rekha sharma a
Hii,Please correct ndx3 to nqx3. Best wishesRekha On Sat, Jul 4, 2020, 07:07
Antoine Jay wrote:Dear all,
I would like
onds to an automatic 5 5 3 0 0 0
mesh, and that adding nqx1=5, nqx2=5, ndx3=3
CRASHs with "k + q is not an S*k"
Is it possible to overcome this issue?
Best regards,
Antoine Jay
LAAS CNRS, Toulouse France
The input file:
ibrav = 4,
celldm(1) =
y equals, and due to the BZ folding in the supercell, several
frequencies are very close from each other.
Thank you very much for your help.
Antoine Jay
Toulouse France
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Dear all,
Do you know if it is possible to change the transparency of atoms with Xcrsyden?
Thank you very much
Antoine Jay
Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
users mailing list users@lists.quantum
straction of plot 1-plot 11 is enough.
However, while V_bare is well described by a ~1/r, its screening with Hartree
potential sould be ~1/r*exp(-r/lengh).
Then the exponential V_H sould be the division plot11/plot2?
Or is it an exact value ADDED to V_bare and calculated with the Poisson
Thank you very much,
version on GIT is OK.
Antoine Jay
Le Jeudi, Septembre 19, 2019 18:03 CEST, Paolo Giannozzi
a écrit:
There are a few glitches in the 6.4.1 version f th postprocessing code pp.x.
Please see
here: Paolo On
Dear all,
Plotting the total potential in QE>6.4 gives results differents than with 6.3.
Looking at PP/punch_plot.f90 shows that there are big changes.
Does anyone see something strange with plot_num=1?
Thank you very much.
Antoine Jay
CNRS, Toulo
Dear all,
pw_export is not anymore in the makefile of PP in version >=6.4.
Is there a special reason?
Is there a better way to obtain the direct wave functions in ascii format?
(direct= not by summing over G)
Thank you very much
Antoine Jay
Toulouse C
Dear all,
in the ph.x description, it is written that Electron_phonon is only avaible for
Is it possible to use it on a semi-conductor with a smearing or will it give
crazy results?
Thank you very much,
Antoine Jay
LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse
Dear all,
in the ph.x description, it is written
till quite null (<10^-5 Ry/au) nor the stress tensor, but this noise is
enough to separate non-degenerated modes.
Antoine Jay
Answering myself: later, for a specific k-point. Quick example showing the
problem attached.
On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 7:12 PM, Paolo Giannozzi
> When
you do to keep these variables fixed?
Am I doing something wrong?
Antoine JAY
I think 4x4x4 is not directly related to the q-point grid, but to the
maximum size of the supercell (if you want to build a supercell with force
constants computed in the unit cell. It was used once upon a time in
call of read_ifc_param(nr1, nr2, nr3).
Is there a physical meaning?
Is this subroutine right if someone don't whant a 4^3 q-mesh?
Antoine Jay
Pw_forum mailing list
hank you very much
Antoine Jay
calculation = 'scf',
prefix = '$name.$Pression',
tstress = .true.,
tprnfor = .true.,
pseudo_dir = '$PSEUDO_DIR/',
outdir = '$TMP_DIR/',
ensities calculated with the eigenmodes before
the ASR better calculated?
Is it consistent to impose ASR when I'm looking at a optical property? (I
don't care having exactelly zero frequencies (before ASR 2,6,8 cm^-1) of
acoustics modes at Gamma point)
Thanks for all
Antoine JAY
s and change a bit
eigenvectors as expected.
Question: Why do I have to take eigenvectors which are calculated BEFORE
the ASR in the calcul of the intensity ?
(Equ.2 in Lazzeri, Mauri, PRL 90036401-1(2003))
Thanks a lot
Antoine JAY
Doctorant (PhD student)
Laboratoire des Solides Irr
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