[QE-users] Quantum Espresso v7.2 installation

2023-07-19 Thread gang . yang
Dear all: Can I install the newest version (Quantum Espresso v7.2) in a linux ubuntu 20.04 LTS system? I saw a example in the website https://pranabdas.github.io/espresso/setup/install/. It shows that Quantum Espresso 7.2 installed in a Ubuntu (LTS 22.04) system. ​ Thank you! Gang 07/

[QE-users] "Eigenvectors exchange needed " in the ph.x calculation

2022-03-11 Thread Gang Yang
Dear users and experts: I carried on a phonon calculation for a 20 atom strucuture using QE ph.x. However, in the ph.x output file, it show some messages as follow: "Dynamical matrices for ( 2, 2, 2) uniform grid of q-points ( 6 q-points): N xq(1) xq(2) xq(3) 1 0.0 0.0 0.

[QE-users] how to choose properly the parameters value of nq1, nq2 nq3 in the ph.x inputfile.

2022-01-27 Thread Gang Yang
Dear QE experts: I am doing phonon dynamics calculation. I want to obtain the second force constants using QE ph.x and q2r.x module. For the ph.x calculation, how to choose properly the parameters value of nq1,nq2 nq3 in the ph.x inputfiles. As you know, the parameters nq1,nq2,nq3 determine the

[QE-users] about the ph.x serial (MPI) execution

2021-12-13 Thread Gang Yang
Dear QE team and users: I am doing phonon dynamics calculation using QE V6.8 in my personal laptop. I installed openmpi 4.1.1 and QE V6.8(QE based on intel compiler using intel mkl library) . after PWscf calculation, when i try to carry on " mpirun np 6 ph..ph.out" . i found the ph.x calc