Dear pw'ers,

this is to alert you of the following initiative (see below),
dedicated to women's researchers currently pursuing a master
degree, that would like to spend 6 months in a Swiss research
group belonging to MARVEL.

The fellowships (10 in 2016) are for up to 10,000 CHF each, with
application deadlines of May 15 and Oct 15.


     "INSPIRE potentials - Master Internship Awards" for women researchers

Ten "INSPIRE potentials: Master Internship Awards" in first-principles
simulations are available to outstanding women researchers for 6 month
stays in Swiss research groups belonging to the MARVEL NCCR

In a field of science where women are still strongly
underrepresented, the "INSPIRE potentials - Master Internship Awards"
aim to support excellent female students in their Master thesis
projects, while giving them access to outstanding research facilities
and enviroments.

There are two deadlines for submission: 15 May and 15 October 2016; all
information can be found at:

Note that the INSPIRE Potentials Master Internship awards are initiated
in close collaboration with the NCCR QSIT — Quantum Science and Technology
that offers another set of fellowships in their field.

Nicola Marzari
Clemence Corminboeuf
Lidia Favre-Quattropoani
Helene Fueger

Prof Nicola Marzari, Chair of Theory and Simulation of Materials, EPFL
Director, National Centre for Competence in Research NCCR MARVEL, EPFL

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