
I try to compute phonon dispersion and DOS. ph.x seems to work fine.

When I continue with the q2r routine with the following input:

  flfrc ='BaFe2As2_20K101010.fc'

q2r < q2r.in > q2r.out

I receive the following q2r.out-file:

 Program Q2R v.5.1 starts on 13Aug2015 at 19:14: 5

This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
 for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
 "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
 URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org";, 
 in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at

Parallel version (MPI), running on 1 processors

reading grid info from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn0
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn1
 Dielectric Tensor not found
 nqs= 1
 q= 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn2
 nqs= 2
 q= -0.25000000 0.24820112 0.10764911
 q= 0.25000000 -0.24820112 -0.10764911
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn3
 nqs= 1
 q= 0.50000000 -0.49640224 -0.21529822
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn4
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.25000000 0.24820112 -0.10764911
 q= -0.25000000 -0.24820112 0.10764911
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn5
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.00000000 0.49640224 0.00000000
 q= 0.00000000 -0.49640224 0.00000000
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn6
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.75000000 -0.24820112 -0.32294733
 q= -0.75000000 0.24820112 0.32294733
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn7
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.50000000 0.00000000 -0.21529822
 q= -0.50000000 0.00000000 0.21529822
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn8
 nqs= 1
 q= -0.50000000 -0.49640224 0.21529822
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn9
 nqs= 2
 q= -0.75000000 -0.24820112 0.32294733
 q= 0.75000000 0.24820112 -0.32294733
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn10
 nqs= 1
 q= 0.00000000 -0.99280447 0.00000000
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn11
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.25000000 -0.24820112 0.10764911
 q= -0.25000000 0.24820112 -0.10764911
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn12
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.21529822
 q= 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.21529822
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn13
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.75000000 -0.74460336 -0.10764911
 q= -0.75000000 0.74460336 0.10764911
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn14
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.50000000 -0.49640224 0.00000000
 q= -0.50000000 0.49640224 0.00000000
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn15
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.50000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
 q= -0.50000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn16
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.25000000 0.24820112 0.10764911
 q= -0.25000000 -0.24820112 -0.10764911
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn17
 nqs= 2
 q= 1.00000000 -0.49640224 -0.21529822
 q= -1.00000000 0.49640224 0.21529822
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn18
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.75000000 -0.24820112 -0.10764911
 q= -0.75000000 0.24820112 0.10764911
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn19
 nqs= 2
 q= -0.25000000 -0.74460336 0.32294733
 q= 0.25000000 0.74460336 -0.32294733
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn20
 nqs= 2
 q= -0.50000000 -0.49640224 0.43059643
 q= 0.50000000 0.49640224 -0.43059643
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn21
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.25000000 -1.24100559 0.10764911
 q= -0.25000000 1.24100559 -0.10764911
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn22
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.00000000 -0.99280447 0.21529822
 q= 0.00000000 0.99280447 -0.21529822
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn23
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.00000000 -0.49640224 0.21529822
 q= 0.00000000 0.49640224 -0.21529822
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn24
 nqs= 2
 q= -0.25000000 -0.24820112 0.32294733
 q= 0.25000000 0.24820112 -0.32294733
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn25
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.50000000 -0.99280447 0.00000000
 q= -0.50000000 0.99280447 0.00000000
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn26
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.25000000 -0.74460336 0.10764911
 q= -0.25000000 0.74460336 -0.10764911
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn27
 nqs= 1
 q= -0.50000000 0.49640224 -0.21529822
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn28
 nqs= 2
 q= -0.75000000 0.74460336 -0.10764911
 q= 0.75000000 -0.74460336 0.10764911
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn29
 nqs= 1
 q= 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.43059643
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn30
 nqs= 2
 q= -0.25000000 0.74460336 -0.32294733
 q= 0.25000000 -0.74460336 0.32294733
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn31
 nqs= 2
 q= -0.50000000 0.99280447 -0.21529822
 q= 0.50000000 -0.99280447 0.21529822
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn32
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.25000000 0.24820112 -0.53824554
 q= -0.25000000 -0.24820112 0.53824554
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn33
 nqs= 2
 q= 0.00000000 0.49640224 -0.43059643
 q= 0.00000000 -0.49640224 0.43059643
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn34
 nqs= 1
 q= -1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn35
 nqs= 2
 q= -1.25000000 0.24820112 0.10764911
 q= 1.25000000 -0.24820112 -0.10764911
 reading force constants from file BaFe2As2_20K.dyn36
 nqs= 1
 q= -0.50000000 -0.49640224 -0.21529822

q-space grid ok, #points = 64

fft-check success (sum of imaginary terms < 10^-12)

Q2R : 0.09s CPU 0.09s WALL

 This run was terminated on: 19:14: 5 13Aug2015


This seems to end fine, but there is no flfrc-file produced.

Can anybody help please?

Thanks and Regards


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