Hi all,
          I want to generate nmr spectrum for a crystal using quantum
espresso 5.4 version using gipaw. Intially I performed relaxation
calculations for the system and it terminated normally without any errors,
then I performed gipaw calculations using the following input,

        job = 'nmr'
        prefix = 'mmt'
        tmp_dir = './'
        verbosity = 'medium'
        q_gipaw = 0.01
        spline_ps = .true.
        use_nmr_macroscopic_shape = .true.

command used to run gipaw:
mpirun -np 12  gipaw.x -ndiag 1 -i     al_nmr.in >  al_nmr.out

The output of nmr  terminates with segmentation fault with the following
line written on output file:

Restarting from a previous run
     Resuming from k-point #    1   and q #  0
     k-point #    1 of     8      pool #  1    cpu time:     149.6
     compute_u_kq: q = (    0.0000,    0.0000,    0.0000)

I tried various options like ndiag, ni, nk by looking into previous
messages on mailing list, still I was not successful. Can someone provide
help me to  resolve it.

Thanks and Regards,
Mohan Maruthi
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