Hi Paolo,
Hi everyone,

I have a follow-up question about the G=0 limit of the local pseudopotential.
You wrote:
> 2. The local potential V(r) behaves as -Ze^2/r for large r, making direct 
> computation of V(G) problematic. One removes the long-range behavior by 
> adding to V(r) a function f(r)=Ze^2 erf(r)/r in real space; performs the 
> Fourier transform; subtracts out f(G)=4\pi Z e^2 exp(-G^2)/\Omega G^2 or 
> something like that from V(G). All this applies to G!=0.

In the Quantum ESPRESSO source code in vloc_mod.f90 (line 140: 
 the G=0 term of V(r) + Z erf(r)/r. But, Paolo, you wrote that the addition of 
Z erf(r)/r only applies to G!=0 since the G=0 term is treated separately as we 
already discussed. This makes sense to me and also results in the fact that the 
G=0 limit of the Fourier transform of - Z erf(r)/r (4\pi Z e^2 exp(-G^2)/\Omega 
G^2 or something like that) is never treated/calculated. But, similarly, why 
would one calculate the G=0 limit of V(r) + Z erf(r)/r?

This comment in the source code

!! q = 0 case, continuous for q -> 0
!! NOT THE SAME AS THE G=0 TERM, computed below

Also explicitly differentiates between q and G but both are momentum vectors 
and q=0 should implicate G=0.

Best regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Paolo Giannozzi <paolo.gianno...@uniud.it> 
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. August 2024 12:36
An: Schultheis, Erik <erik.schulth...@dlr.de>
Cc: users@lists.quantum-espresso.org
Betreff: Re: AW: [QE-users] [SPAM] Fourier Transform of Local Pseudopotential 
and G=0 limit

Yes, exactly.


On 23/08/2024 11:47, erik.schulth...@dlr.de wrote:
> Hi Paolo,
> Thanks for your quick answer.
> Point 2 is clear to me since it only applies to G!=0.
> After thinking what you wrote in Point 1 and finding further information in 
> Warren E. Picketts " Pseudopotential Methods in Condensed Matter 
> Applications" 
> (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0167797789900026), 
> especially around equation (5.20), I now have an idea what might happen here.
> You are saying that the local potential V_loc plus the Hartree potential 
> yield the "alpha Z" term for G=0. In the work of Pickett he writes that the 
> formally divergent terms in the ion-ion interaction, the coulomb interaction 
> of the electrons, and the local pseudopotential combine to give the finite 
> Ewald energy (which is clear to me) and the "alpha Z" term. From this, I 
> guess that the electronic background, i.e. the coulomb interaction of the 
> electrons, cancels the -Z/r behavior of the local pseudopotential V_loc. But 
> since V_loc is not exactly -Z/r only its -Z/r part is canceled and the 
> remaining (non-Coulomb) part is still to be calculated in the G=0 limit. 
> Let's write V_loc(r) = V_loc(r) - (-Z/r) + (-Z/r) = (V_loc(r) + Z/r) - Z/r. 
> Then the first term is the non-Coulomb part of V_loc and the second term 
> (-Z/r) is the Coulomb part of V_loc. The second term is cancelled by the 
> electronic background (Hartree potential) while the first term is not. So the 
> G=0 limit of (V_loc(r) + Z/r), i.e. the "alpha Z" term, has to be calculated 
> to get the correct G=0 limit of V_loc.
> Is this the correct reasoning behind the "alpha Z" term?
> Best regards
> Erik
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Paolo Giannozzi <paolo.gianno...@uniud.it>
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. August 2024 18:35
> An: Schultheis, Erik <erik.schulth...@dlr.de>
> Cc: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <users@lists.quantum-espresso.org>
> Betreff: Re: [QE-users] [SPAM] Fourier Transform of Local 
> Pseudopotential and G=0 limit
> You are mixing up two different aspects:
> 1. V(G=0) for the local+Hartree potential is not divergent and yields the 
> "alpha Z" term. Of course, one sets V_H(G=0)=0.
> 2. The local potential V(r) behaves as -Ze^2/r for large r, making direct 
> computation of V(G) problematic. One removes the long-range behavior by 
> adding to V(r) a function f(r)=Ze^2 erf(r)/r in real space; performs the 
> Fourier transform; subtracts out f(G)=4\pi Z e^2 exp(-G^2)/\Omega G^2 or 
> something like that from V(G). All this applies to G!=0.
> Paolo
> On 20/08/2024 11:54, Erik Schultheis via users wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> In /upflib/vloc_mod.f90
>> <https://github.com/QEF/q-e/blob/de3035747f5d8f2ec9a67869827341ebb43f5b12/upflib/vloc_mod.f90>
>>  the Fourier transform of the local pseudopotential V_loc is calculated. My 
>> question is about how one can derive the G=0 term 
>> <https://github.com/QEF/q-e/blob/de3035747f5d8f2ec9a67869827341ebb43f5b12/upflib/vloc_mod.f90#L160>.
>> Now I will describe how I understand the G=0 term and how this 
>> differs from what is implemented.
>> Since the local potential is long-ranged, which results in problems 
>> when performing the Fourier transformation, the long-range part is 
>> subtracted in real-space and added back in reciprocal space.
>> We then calculate the Fourier transform of [V_loc(r) + erf(r)/r] – 
>> erf(r)/r. The Fourier transform of the term in []-parentheses is the 
>> integral over (r V_loc(r)+erf(r)) sin(Gr)/G where we integrate r from 
>> 0 to infinity. The G=0 case for this integral is no problem since the 
>> function is continuous in the G -> 0 limit, where sin(Gr)/G becomes r.
>> This is implemented in this loop
>> <https://github.com/QEF/q-e/blob/de3035747f5d8f2ec9a67869827341ebb43f5b12/upflib/vloc_mod.f90#L133>.
>> The Fourier transform of the remaining –Ze^2 erf(r)/r is implemented 
>> in this loop 
>> <https://github.com/QEF/q-e/blob/de3035747f5d8f2ec9a67869827341ebb43f
>> 5b12/upflib/vloc_mod.f90#L296>, which is
>> 4 pi/V 1/G^2 e^(-G^2/4).
>> There the G -> 0 limit is explicitly excluded and should, in my 
>> opinion, be the G = 0 term calculated here 
>> <https://github.com/QEF/q-e/blob/de3035747f5d8f2ec9a67869827341ebb43f
>> 5b12/upflib/vloc_mod.f90#L157> but is not. The limit G -> 0 of the 
>> above term is (using the series expansion of the exponential)
>> lim G -> 0 (4 pi/V 1/G^2 – pi/V) which is divergent
>> But, the G = 0 term implemented is the integral over r^2 
>> (V_loc(r)+1/r), also called the "alpha Z" energy term in the code 
>> documentation, where I do not understand where the 1/r term comes 
>> from and, if added here, where it is subtracted again to not change 
>> the local potential. This suggests that something like [V_loc(r) + 
>> 1/r] – 1/r is used for the G=0 term but the subtracted -1/r term is never 
>> calculated.
>> I thought that this can be explained by 4 pi/V 1/G^2 from the above 
>> limit which is the Fourier transform of 1/r, but then the V_loc(r) 
>> term is missing. As you see, I am confused.
>> Further, I could not find any literature about calculating the 
>> Fourier transform of the local pseudopotential. The only reference I 
>> found that also mentions this "alpha Z" energy term is Phys. Rev. B 
>> 69, 075101 
>> <https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.69.075101> in 
>> equation (12). Since they do not provide a motivation of this term 
>> besides that it is “the non-Coulomb part of the pseudopotential at q=0”, I 
>> cannot understand where this term comes from.
>> Can anyone help me understand the origin of the G=0 term implemented 
>> in QuantumEspresso?
>> Best regards
>> Erik Schultheis
>> #CallMeByMyFirstName
>> **
>> *German Aerospace Center*(DLR)
>> Institute of Materials Research
>> Linder Höhe | 51147 Cologne
>> *Erik Schultheis M. Sc.*
>> Metallic and Hybrid Materials
>> Telephone: +49 (0) 2203 601 1311
>> erik.schulth...@dlr.de <mailto:erik.schulth...@dlr.de> | LinkedIn 
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/erik-schultheis-930549243/>
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Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche, Univ. Udine, 
via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine Italy, +39-0432-558216 X SCUOLA ENERGIE 
RINNOVABILI 16-21/9/2024 - PRE-ISCRIZIONE https://agenda.infn.it/event/39573/
The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
and economic cooperation amongst peoples
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