You can google "smearing temperature in metal" for getting more detailed 
information. e.g.,

note that there are serval seaming functions that can be used, so that to ask a 
specific number without choosing a functions is meaningless.  e.g., in this 
work we used 0.005 Hartree Dirac smearing function to converge bulk aluminum.
arXiv:1811.12217v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 29 Nov 
2 FIG. 1. (Left and right panels) Calculated spectral functions (shifted along 
k z as detailed in [45]) and (middle panel) exper- imental ARPES image in the L 
direction. The results of ab initio GW+C calculations are without (left panel) 
and with

you care calculating a standard testing system, you can find a lot of 
references on bulk aluminum first-principle calculations. You should search for 
them and read them, and compare your results with them.


Jianqiang (Sky) ZHOU
European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility
Institut des NanoSciences de Paris (INSP)
Sorbonne Université - Case 840 - 4 place Jussieu
Barre 2232, étage 2, pièce 11
75005 PARIS<>
tel : +33 (0)1 69 33 44 85
发件人: users <> 代表 Pooja Vyas 
发送时间: 2019年10月2日 7:19
收件人: <>
主题: [QE-users] degauss and smearing

What does smearing and degauss actually mean? between what values shall I 
choose degauss value for Aluminium? Can I know a range of values?
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