[QE-users] How to define boxes for LDOS calculation?

2022-12-19 Thread imane BEZZAOUI
Dear All, I want to calculate Local density of states using quantum espresso. As to my knowledge, this can be done using "Projwfc.x" in which we need to define boxes for LDOS. My query is to how to define the boxes? what are 'Irmin', 'irmax' and how to set those values ? https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e

Re: [QE-users] How to define boxes for LDOS calculation?

2022-12-20 Thread Guido Fratesi
Dear Imame, the box is defined as a parallelepiped with the edges aligned to cell axes. It includes some points in the Fourier grid, from irmin to irmax in each direction, see: https://www.quantum-espresso.org/Doc/INPUT_PROJWFC.html#idm102 You can check your pw.x output for looking the value

Re: [QE-users] How to define boxes for LDOS calculation?

2022-12-22 Thread imane BEZZAOUI
Dear Guido Fratesi, thank you for your replay, I tried to check my pw output I didn't understand how I get those parameters and I didn't find any documentation that explains more this step, I try to start with the example of /PP/examples/example03/. but didn't work here is my input for Copper-ad

Re: [QE-users] How to define boxes for LDOS calculation?

2022-12-22 Thread Guido Fratesi
Hi, from your output: lattice parameter (alat)  =   8.3812  a.u. crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)    a(1) = (   1.00   0.00   0.00 )    a(2) = (   0.00   0.577350   0.00 )    a(3) = (   0.00   0.00  12.46

Re: [QE-users] How to define boxes for LDOS calculation?

2022-12-24 Thread imane BEZZAOUI
Dear Guido Fratesi, I really appreciate for your reply,which helps me a lot in understanding Local DOS, thank you very much, I beg to be excused, I have another question. In example: /PP/examples/example03/ , he defined the Boxes for the first vacuum layer and the second vacuum layer and each la