Dear all

I'm aiming to study EP coupling in some materials using the EPW program. To do 
so, I have to run a phonons calculation with QE, in which the potential 
variations have to be written to a file, which can be done via the fildvscf 
parameter in the phonons calculation.

Aiming to sped up my calculations, I referred to the parallelism instructions 
presented in the PH.x user guide, and followed them exactly. Without the 
instruction to save these dvscf files, the calculations really speeds up. The 
thing is that I need these dvscf files for the EPW run, and when I turn the 
fildvscf option on, the phonon calculation stops with the message "saving dvscf 
to file images not implemented".

Is there any other parallelization scheme that would speed my calculations, and 
that can work while writing these dvscf files?

Thank you all for any assistance
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