
I am tiring to recompile QE  7.1 under Windows + cygwin64 (environment 
described in another E-mail).
I am able to get a pure serial QE version (no MP no MPI) in such way passing 
the QE test-suite ...
if I try MP or MPI build, I get error message below ...
I do not understand why a standard QE is built with GPU depended routines when 
I do not request any GPU
support ....
I used
./configure   --enable-openmp   --disable-parallel
./configure   --disable-openmp   --enable-parallel

Any glue what can be wrong ?

QE 6.7 building does not show this issue ...


gfortran -O3 -g -fallow-argument-mismatch -fopenmp -cpp -fopenmp -D__FFTW3  
-I/cygdrive/d/My_projects/Fortran/QE_71/qe-7.1//external/devxlib/src -I. 
-I/cygdrive/d/My_projects/Fortran/QE_71/qe-7.1//FoX/finclude  -I../UtilXlib 
-I../external/devxlib/src -c gen_us_dj_gpu.f90

   25 |   USE device_fbuff_m,   ONLY: dev_buf
      |       1
Fatal Error: Cannot open module file ‘device_fbuff_m.mod’ for reading at (1): 
No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [../make.inc:16: gen_us_dj_gpu.o] Error 1

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