Hello Jean-Yves,
I tried to reproduce the problem but without success.
Could you give us an example ?
With mine, I generate a file with 8192 lines of 26624 characters.
a = "a":"z";
for i = 1:10, a = a + a;end
length(a) //26624
form = "%s\n";
for i = 1:13, form = form+form;end
length(form) /4 /
The buffer size is not set by Scilab and hence is always the default for
a given platform (it can be different for macOS, Linux, Windows). I
suppose you need to increase or decrease it for a given application ?
Stephane Mottelet
Le 2022-06-17 14:41, Jean-Yves Baudais a écrit :
In other words, how to use "setvbuf" in Scilab? Is there an equivalent
function that works with the mfprintf scilab function?
Le 16/06/2022 à 10:39, Jean-Yves Baudais a écrit :
How to manage *the size*. Sorry.
Le 16/06/2022 à 10:38, Jean-Yves Baudais
Hello Heinz,
The call stack shows that the error occurs when calling haveacompiler()
to see if a compiler is installed,
and then run the actual demo or skip it.
If there is no compiler, haveacompiler() should return %F without
yielding any error.
So it's a bug. It is not yet reported on scilab