/** A setting that defines a URL to be concatenated with source locations and 
show a link to source files.
   * If needed the sourcepath option can be used to exclude undesired initial 
part of the link to sources */
  val docsourceurl = StringSetting (
    s("A URL pattern used to link to the source file; the following variables 
are available: €{TPL_NAME}, €{TPL_OWNER} and respectively €{FILE_PATH}. For 
example, for `scala.collection.Seq`, the variables will be expanded to `Seq`, 
`scala.collection` and respectively `scala/collection/Seq` (without the 
backquotes). To obtain a relative path for €{FILE_PATH} instead of an absolute 
one, use the ${sourcepath.name} setting.",

Does scala treat €{TPL_NAME} as a parameter substitution for TPL_NAME?

if so where would TPL_NAME be defined?
when i incorporate euro symbol € into string literal what directive to Scala to 
use to render €  'as is' ?




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