OK, so I've apparently run into a dead end with this (which I find
pretty mind-blowing - this should be utterly trivial to accomplish).

The maven-dependency-plugin approach would work, except that it'll fail
due to trying to resolve reactor modules from the repository - even if
those modules are explicitly excluded via the various configuration

The maven-assembly-plugin approach would presumably work, except that
the plugin really requires various bits of POM configuration to work. I
attempted to patch the plugin to accept an output directory and a
descriptor file via properties, but it seems that the output directory
in particular is not so easy to override (it defaults to
${project.build.outputDirectory} and adding a property to override that
appears not to work).

Am I really going to have to write a whole new plugin just to get the
transitive closure of jar files that make up a given project?

Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com

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