Re: Dependency plugin unpack plugin dependencies

2020-10-28 Thread Benjamin Marwell
Hi Alexander, this is an old thread, but no one has replied yet. While I think this is possible – what are you trying to achieve? Or in other words: WHY do you need the dependencies unpacked? What do you do with them? Regards, Ben On 2020/08/19 18:23:06, Alexander Broekhuis wrote: > Hi all, >

Re: Need help: maven-javadoc-plugin: includeDependencySource: error: module not found on module source path

2020-10-28 Thread Benjamin Marwell
Hi Thomas, I investigated a bit further. It seems from the debug output, that the remote sources were fetched. Thus, the error seems misleading: [DEBUG] Expanding: $USER/.m2/repository/de/uni-stuttgart/informatik/fius/ICGE-Simulation/2.3.6/ICGE-Simulation-2.3.6-sources.jar into

Re: Need help: maven-javadoc-plugin: includeDependencySource: error: module not found on module source path

2020-10-28 Thread Benjamin Marwell
Hi Tim, this lines makes me wonder: > [ERROR] no reactor project: my project> I think this means that will only work with dependencies from the same reactor project. Thus your "group_id:artifact_id of the single dependency of my project" seems to be a foreign project? But then from the goal

Re: Java11 and javadoc plugin

2020-10-28 Thread Benjamin Marwell
Hi Thomas, no worry, that is as easy to fix as the previous one. Read carefully: > Error generating maven-javadoc-plugin:3.2.0:test-aggregate-no-fork The javadoc-plugin executes "test-aggregate-no-fork". Which means: It creates javadoc for your TEST classes from src/test/java. That again

Re: Java11 and javadoc plugin

2020-10-28 Thread Thomas Scheffler
Hi, thanks for looking into it. I updated the project a bit so that you can easily switch the version with „-Djavadoc.plugin.version=3.0.1“ to see it working nice with „mvn site“ and „mvn javadoc:javadoc“. My problem is, that I don’t know how to make „site“ run again. „mvn compile site“ will

Re: Incorrect evaluated project.parent.version in child pom

2020-10-28 Thread Alexander Kriegisch
At least Maven Dependency Plugin seems to cause some problems, I noticed after writing you when calling mvn dependency:tree mvn dependency:analyze with or without previous clean or compile. I got to admit that your project structure looks somewhat strange, but still there seems to be

Re: Incorrect evaluated project.parent.version in child pom

2020-10-28 Thread Roy Lenferink
Hi Alexander, Thanks for thinking with me! I forgot to mention that I _do_ make use of the maven-dependency-plugin with the copy-dependencies goal to copy my dependencies to the target/dependencies/ folder. This is being executed in the clean phase [1]. If I move it to e.g. the compile phase