Here is an Ant build.xml snippet using maven tasks:

<artifact:remoteRepository id="my.repo" url="dav:http://fred:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" layout="default"/> <artifact:install-provider artifactId="wagon-webdav" version="1.0-beta-2"/>
   <artifact:deploy file="my.jar">
       <remoteRepository refid="my.repo" />
       <pom refid="my.pom"/>

the above works fine, and does a PUT of my jar into my company maven2 repo. The following however does not work. Note: this time I don't specify username:password in the repository URL, instead I use an <authentication> tag.

<artifact:remoteRepository id="my.repo" url="dav:"; layout="default">
       <authentication username="fred" password="secret" />
<artifact:install-provider artifactId="wagon-webdav" version="1.0-beta-2"/>
   <artifact:deploy file="my.jar">
       <remoteRepository refid="my.repo" />
       <pom refid="my.pom"/>

The authentication tag seems to be ignored this time, no auth headers are sent and the PUT fails with a 401.
Can someone please explain why this doesn't work?

The above example is highly simplified, in my build system I'd prefer to user authentication tags instead of embedding auth data in the repository url if possible, and also I'm basically curious ;-)


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