Hello all,


I'm new to maven stumbling my way around. I could get maven to compile,
run junit tests and generate junit-report.html file. But my requirement
is that I need to parse the junit results (junit-result.xml) and upload
into a database. 


Is there a way I could split-out the junit results data into a plain
text file using maven so that I could load it into a database? 


For example: 


If my DB table has:


|     test_cases          |


|  test_case_name   |

|  run_duration        |

|  result                      |



My output text file (parsed from junit-result.xml) should look like:


testCaseName1             2.43      passed

testCaseName2             1.11      failed

testCaseName3             4.98      passed



Any suggestions?


Appreciate any help.



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