Suppose I have several projects, A, B, C, D, E, F, none of which are a
"main" project.  However, there are dependencies between the various
projects: project A depends on B (A->B), C->D, D->E, D->F, A->F for

Is it possible to set up maven to allow me to request a build of C
which will also build D, E, and F automatically?  I do not want to have
to aggregate the dependencies by hand, since they are already expressed
in the project.xml files of the individual projects  I'd like to be
able to easily add a project, G, with D->G and B->G and be able to
build say, A, and have G properly rebuilt.

I've seen similar, if not the same, questions asked before and have
spent the last several hours searching for a satisfying answer but have
come across none.  I have tried using multiproject, but
multiproject:install ends up building A, B, C, D, E, and F even though
I just want to build C and its dependencies.  Some have suggested
building different project.xml files for the different subsets, but
this requires manual parsing of the dependencies to come up with the
subset that needs building.

Hopefully, my question makes sense.  If not, I will clarify.  I've been
trying to learn about m2, but can't seem to figure out if it addresses
my problem at all.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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