Does it give you this error message when you invoke maven from the command line?

On 2/8/07, Jan-Oliver Wuelfing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello to everyone,

I use the Maven 2.0.4 Eclipse Plug-in 0.0.5 and Subclipse 1.0.5 and
encountered the following error message at start-up of Eclipse 3.2.1:

08.02.07 11:26:51 CET: [DEBUG] Found 0 components to load on start
08.02.07 11:26:51 CET: [DEBUG] Building Maven user-level plugin registry
from: '/home/jwuelfin/.m2/plugin-registry.xml'
08.02.07 11:26:51 CET: Reading /wsag4j/pom.xml
08.02.07 11:26:51 CET: [DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM from the repository
for project: wsag4j:wsag4j:pom:0.0.1
08.02.07 11:26:51 CET: [DEBUG] Trying repository central
08.02.07 11:26:51 CET: [WARN] Unable to get resource from repository
central (
08.02.07 11:26:51 CET: Unable to read project /wsag4j/pom.xml;
org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException: POM 'mss:mss' not
found in repository: Unable to download the artifact from any repository


from the specified remote repositories:
   central (

08.02.07 11:26:54 CET: Updated source folders for project wsag4j

Has anyone an idea?


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