Does anyone have a solution for the following problem?  I am using Maven to
generate WARs and SARs for a medium size project.  All but one of the
sub-projects are built using Maven. A number of the Maven built projects
(call them Projects B-K) are dependent on JAR files built by the non-Maven
project (call it Project A).  Is there a way to configure the POM file for
Project B,C,D,. so that whenever a change occurs in Project A and new
Project A JAR files are created, Project B,C,D,. will be recompiled and
repackaged?  I added the JAR files generated by Project A to my local
repository using the mvn install:install-file command.  However, the
repository's contents relevant for Project A are not auto-updated when there
are Project A code changes that result in new JAR files.


Any help you can provide is most appreciated.





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