Maven-plugin-tools-ant and sub-projects

2011-03-29 Thread juranta
I created an Ant plugin with maven-plugin-tools-ant for a certain task, as described here: My plugin works fine otherwise, but I just noticed that it does not recurse into the sub-projects like a normal plugin would. That

Re: Versions in dependencyManagement vs dependency?

2011-03-29 Thread juranta
Well, we put all the versions in the parent pom. It makes the versions easy to change from the project's perspective. You don't have to browse through many files to see where the dependency is declared. Also, two or more of the sub-project may have a dependency on a same artifact, and if you put

Re: Accessing the version of a dependency

2011-01-05 Thread juranta
Thanks, that's a simple solution that might even work in most of the situations (perhaps excepting the release plugin, etc). I also found a more complex way to access the versions of a dependency using Groovy plugin. For those who are interested: plugins plugin

Accessing the version of a dependency

2011-01-04 Thread juranta
Hi, I'm quite new to Maven, so I'm happy with all suggestions. So, I have an assembly project which creates an assembly of dependencies. It works fine, but I still miss one piece. I need to get the version of one particular dependency and use it while filtering some files. I mean, let's say

Re: Accessing the version of a dependency

2011-01-04 Thread juranta
Why do you want to do this? There may be a better way to filter the files or organize them into projects. It's a big corporation project. A set of web files (images, javascript, css) need to be set in their own directory with each build so that when the customer opens an old document, it

Re: Accessing the version of a dependency

2011-01-04 Thread juranta
Still not clear how the files and versions link up. If you can describe the desired directory structure after the build and what the source structure looks like, perhaps someone might be able to suggest how the assembly plug-in or some other plug-in might be able to build what you want.

Re: Accessing the version of a dependency

2011-01-04 Thread juranta
Yes, but my problem is that I need to use the version of one particular dependency while doing the filtering. Thanks, Juha Assembly plugin can do resource filtering, see files.html. Kalle