RE: Tar pom.xml dependencies - Maven Assembly Plugin?

2011-01-11 Thread khaido
If you are building an web application (war or ear) then I would take a look at the maven-war-plugin and maven-ear-plugin. Here's an example: maven-war-plugin

RE: Copying dependencies' binaries (dlls) for runtime

2011-01-05 Thread khaido
You might want to look at the maven-dependency-plugin( Nice if you also need the transitive dependencies. Also unpack makes it nice to work with zip files. From: Phillip Hellewell [via Maven] [mailto:ml-node+3329689-622232288-147..

choosing a maven 2 plugin for native builds

2011-01-04 Thread khaido
I've been looking for a maven 2 plugin to build native C and C++ projects. I've done some research and found the following plugins: 1. maven-nar-plugin ( 2. freehep-nar-plugin ( 3.