
We use maven today, but have used it like ant (meaning we have not used it as 
it was intended, with repository etc.)

Now we want to clean up and use it properly, but then again, maybe we should go 
straight to maven2.

My question is this.  Given our needs, what do we do to use Maven2 (now).  Do 
we write a lot of own custom plugins, or is this available for us?

Our building process need to do:
* Jar  => OK
* War  => OK
* Xdoclets / ejb
* copyFiles  (for deploying jar/war to local jboss etc)
* axis java2wsdl
* axis wsdl2java (generering av test-klient)
* JasperReports (today we use a ant compile task)

I would also like to know if anybody has started to use the plugins you will 
probably mention.

Svein Are Grønsund
Distribution Innovation

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