Hi Russ,

this can only be done programmatically in a plugin/MOJO.
However, it is very easy: You need to invoke setFile(File) on the MavenProject:
            this.project.setFile( flattenedPomFile );

Before I also tried to configure maven-install-plugin and maven-deploy-plugin to use a different file, but these features have been removed in the recent versions. Also you would get trouble with further related plugins such as maven-gpg-plugin.

Both ways are rather a workaround than a solid and well-designed solution.
E.g. see last comment of this issue:

Start a discussion on the maven dev list if you like to. I think maven needs some re-design here... Also the way aggregators work has design issues. But chaning the maven plugin eco-system is quite of a challange. Maybe in maven 4 one day...

> Since your 99% there, maybe you could add a parameter to just let me add my own custom pom?
> Or can I just overwrite .flattened-pom.xml with my own?

Would be easy to do. You can also overwrite the generated file but you have to be in the lifecycle after flatten plugin and right before any other plugin such as gpg or install.

I find it is sometimes hard to get "non-religious" answers on the maven forums. 

Some time ago I had the same problem. Try to change the way you talk already helped for me :) Describe your problem precisely and then ask open questions. Remove all complaints before you hit "send" ;)


Am 10.07.2014 04:14, schrieb Russ Tremain:
Hi Jörg,

I'm giving your plugin a spin and I think it really helps!

What I wonder is how do you get maven-install and maven-deploy plugins to use 
${basedir}/.flattened-pom.xml ?

Is there a magic property I can set, or can this only be done programatically?  
Seems tricky, since I want to use the project pom to create the release, and 
then substitute the release pom for install/deploy.  I can copy in the 
distribution pom using maven-resources plugin for the jar, but install stomps 
on my custom pom after I create it in target/*.pom.

Since your 99% there, maybe you could add a parameter to just let me add my own 
custom pom?  Or can I just overwrite .flattened-pom.xml with my own?

Thanks for your hard work..  I find it is sometimes hard to get "non-religious" 
answers on the maven forums.  ;)


At 11:23 PM +0200 6/6/14, Jörg Hohwiller wrote:

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the flatten-maven-plugin 
version 1.0.0-beta-2.

Flatten Maven Plugin generates a flattened version of your pom.xml and makes 
maven to install
and deploy this one instead of the original pom.xml.


To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin 


All you need to do is add the plugin to the plugins in your build section.

Release Notes
http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MOJO-2027 ability to preserve developer 
http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MOJO-2030 flatten-maven-plugin overrides 
basedir and sets it to target/, so src/site/site.xml is not used and any 
documentation beneath src/site is not rendered


The Mojo team.


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