The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the IDLJ Maven
Plugin, version 1.1
  This plugin will process all corba *.idl files in the
sourceDirectory into a common generated sources output directory. This
will occur during the generate-sources phase and the sources directory
will be added to the project for the compile phase. The plugin
supports also to generate test sources from idl files.

  You could run 'mvn -up' to get the latest version of this plugin, or
specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:

    <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
    <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->

This new version only fixes new issues and doesn't add new features but we
prefered to bump the minor version because we changed many lines of code.

Issues fixed are :

    * [MIDLJ-1] - IBM JVM not recognised
    * [MIDLJ-6] - Plugin doesn't fail if parsing of IDL fails
    * [MIDLJ-7] - IDLs in sub-directories are always recompiled
    * [MIDLJ-8] - Generated java files not found by java compiler
    * [MIDLJ-9] - IDLJ fails on unix with absolute path if you don't
have the right to write in a parent directory. Replace absolute paths
in the command line by relative paths


-The Mojo team


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