The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Doap
Plugin, version 1.1

The DOAP Plugin is used to generate compliant Description of a Project
(DOAP) file from a POM. The main goal is to be able to provide DOAP
files for Semantic Web systems that use them as primary input but that
would also alleviate the burden of maintaining two sets of metadata.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x DOAP Plugin - Version 1.1

** Bug
    * [MDOAP-22] - Documentation regarding site-integration hrefs wrong file
    * [MDOAP-23] - Plugin assumes that both <connection> and
<developerConnection> are always specified
    * [MDOAP-24] - programing-language, os and name properties should
be an RDF literals, not a RDF resources.
    * [MDOAP-25] - foaf:Organization usage doesn't comply with DoaP/FoaF specs.
    * [MDOAP-26] - minimal pom IT is failing with Maven 3
    * [MDOAP-27] - Generated files aren't useable with Jena
    * [MDOAP-31] - Generated DOAP Mailing lists are too stricts

** Improvement
    * [MDOAP-28] - Remove developers/contributors having role 'emeritus'
    * [MDOAP-32] - Generate a DOAP file for another Maven Project
    * [MDOAP-33] - Add more DOAP options like blog, audience, plateform...
    * [MDOAP-34] - Add a way to add dynamically namespace

** New Feature
    * [MDOAP-15] - Please add german localization
    * [MDOAP-29] - Detect Apache projects
    * [MDOAP-35] - Fetch file-release url

** Task
    * [MDOAP-30] - Update requirement to Maven 2.2 and Java 5


-The Maven team

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