
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven GPG
Plugin, version 1.4 and the Maven Deploy Plugin, version 2.7

The Maven GPG plugin signs all of the project's attached artifacts with GnuPG.
The Maven Deploy plugin is primarily used during the deploy phase, to
add your artifact(s) to a remote repository for sharing with other
developers and projects. This is usually done in an integration or
release environment. It can also be used to deploy a particular
artifact (e.g. a third party jar like Sun's non redistributable
reference implementations).

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:



Release Notes - Maven 2.x and 3.x GPG Plugin - Version 1.4

** Bug
    * [MGPG-37] - retryFailedDeploymentCount is actually just plain
retry deployment

** New Feature
    * [MGPG-38] - gpg:sign-and-deploy Allow deployment of multiple
side artifacts at the same time via the CLI

Release Notes - Maven 2.x and 3.x Deploy Plugin - Version 2.7

** Bug
    * [MDEPLOY-127] - Mark deploy plugin as @threadSafe for maven3
    * [MDEPLOY-132] - Discrepancy between pom syntax for artifacts and
deploy:deploy-file parameters
    * [MDEPLOY-136] - retryFailedDeploymentCount is actually just
plain retry deployment

** Improvement
    * [MDEPLOY-134] - mvn deploy:deploy-file should allow to add an
arbitrary number of attached artifacts not only sources and javadoc

** New Feature
    * [MDEPLOY-133] - Add a configurable parameter to allow retrying deployment
    * [MDEPLOY-137] - deploy:file Allow deployment of multiple side
artifacts at the same time via the CLI


-The Maven team

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