Hi guys !!!

As the last year we had very good results with our Java conference in
Barcelona, this 2016 we've repeated the experience.


So, we would really need that people send us Papers to talk in it, and
obviously if you want to listen to good ( and not comercial) talks, do a
good networking in an amazing place ( Barcelona, sun, beach, good food,
paella, architecture, art .... ) and share your knowledge please go ahead
and send your proposal or buy your ticket to come :)

Thank you and hope to see some of you there.

Jonathan Vila
Barcelona Java Users Group Organizer
<http://www.meetup.com/BarcelonaJUG> <http://bit.ly/BarcelonaJUG>
<http://twitter.com/BarcelonaJUG> <http://www.facebook.com/BarcelonaJUG>
<http://j.mp/barcelonaJUG> <http://bit.ly/BCNjug>

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