I've noticed that the authors of a good many 3rd party POM's have used only the <id> and 
<version> tags when declaring dependencies. From what I can gather this was standard practice some time 
ago, possibly during the M1 release candidate period, but it is suboptimal today. For example, I'm using 
Mevenide for Idea. It offers some fairly nice GUI POM editing screens. Because the Mevenide authors expected 
dependency declarations to follow the current convention, with <groupId> and <artifactId> tags 
rather than the <id> tag, the screen displays only the version but not the names.

In other cases I've noticed that the <id> tag can be used even when the <groupId> and 
<artifactId> differ iff the artifactId is an hyphenated extension of the groupId using the plus sign, 
e.g. <id>easymock+classextension<id>. I've noticed this usage in a number of poms that refer to 
geronimo-spec artifacts.

Are these the kinds of "issues" that should be entered into the CodeHaus Jira 
in the Maven Evangelism project? How about the use of XML entities to declare versions?

About the variation in the versions of the various artifacts that are 
referenced in many POMs. Some years ago the Gump project was started at Apache 
as an effort to determine when current changes to projects were going to cause 
problems for other projects. It seems to me that the way that we inform each 
other about the compatibilities/incompatibilities of various versions of well 
known packages, that is by doing so in a one-off manner in individual posts, 
isn't the best approach.

I realize that everyone is very busy right now working on the next M1 and M2 
releases, and I'm not suggesting this for the short term, but in the long run 
it might be useful if some tools could be built that the members of projects 
could use to determine the latest version of dependency X, lets say 
commons-collections for example, that would work with their project. This would 
help everyone determine where there were version inconsistencies and better 
allow them to schedule scarce resources to meet migration requirements. You 
might want to think of this as a larger grained version of Jester.

In the mean time, is it reasonable for the Maven site to construct and maintain 
some type of inter artifact version compatibility matrix?

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