I've been working on a port of the Ant build of springmodules 0.2 to both M1 and M2. The 0.2 release consists of 5 subprojects. I have broken each out into a Maven subproject and I created a master project which includes the files project.xml, pom.xml and license.txt among others. I had thought that I was finished the ports until I read the M1 site's repository-upload page. So I've been running create-upload-bundle via multiproject and that works for the subprojects.
The subproject project.xml files extend the "master" project.xml file. I'd 
appreciate it if someone could confirm that a proper set of upload bundles would contain 
an upload bundle for the master that contained only the files project.xml and license.txt.

Using M2 I can declare that the master is a "pom only" project by using 
<packaging>pom</packaging>. I haven't been able to identify any syntax that would allow 
me to declare the same for an M1 project. Could someone confirm that such syntax does not exist, or 
give an example if it does?

Is there an M2 equivalent of create-upload-bundle in the M1 

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