I observed two problems with war:inplace and eclipse in a multi-project,
that lead
a) to concurrent jar versions in the .deployables webapp context.
b) to webapp folders in projects that are no webapps at all

a) I always run eclipse:eclipse from the top level, so the dependencies
are added as project dependencies, not as variable dependencies to the
eclipse classpaths. That way eclipse can keep track of changes in all
modules and automatically republishes the jars to tomcat if you change
something in a project your webapp depends on.

However, the jar dependencies are not copied to src/webapp/WEB-INF/lib,
I have to do this manually using war:inplace. But this leads to two jar
versions in .deployables: The 1.0-SNAPSHOT version copied by war:inplace
and the unversioned jar copied by the eclipse web app libraries
container. I have to delete the 1.0-SNAPSHOT jars manually from
src/webapp/WEB-INF/lib every time I did a war:inplace.

A possible solution could be that war:inplace copies only
non-project-internal dependencies to src/webapp/WEB-INF/lib.

b) I must be careful not to run war:inplace from the top level, for it
creates a webapp folder even in projects that are no war projects.
Possible solution: war:inplace should only explode webapps in source
folders of war projects.

Are these bugs or do I use the plugin in a wrong way?


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