Apologies for the noise, but as there's been some
discussion about the jetty6 plugin lately I thought
it may be useful to post this here:

A new snapshot release 20060111.124832-7 is available of Jetty6 and the
maven-jetty6-plugin from http://www.mortbay.com/maven2/snapshot/

The maven-jetty6-plugin contains the following changes:

+ you can optionally configure the location of the tmp directory used by the webapp. The default is target/jetty-tmp.

+ it no longer barfs if there is no target/classes directory
  so webapps can be composed of eg jsp/html files only.

Full documentation for the plugin and all configurable properties
is available from http://jetty.mortbay.org/jetty6/

Feedback on the plugin is welcome and should be posted to the


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