The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Dashboard Maven
Plugin, version 1.0.0-beta-1

This plugin is used to aggregate results from Checkstyle, Cobertura, Clover,
Surefire, PMD, CPD, Taglist, Findbugs reports.

You can run mvn -up to get the latest version of the plugin, or specify the
version in your project's plugin configuration:


For the first release, I had to change the goal prefix used in the command
line or Continuum goals :

as described in dashboard documentation :

you will have to modify the goal prefix in your command line or Continuum
goals to use the dashboard report :

from "dashboard-report:dashboard" to "dashboard:dashboard"
from "dashboard-report:persist" to "dashboard:persist"


-The Mojo team

David Vicente

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