
On my latest CVS update, I notice that most of the plugins are now
explicitly specifying the ant namespace to invoke Ant tasks. From the latest
java plugin.jelly:


  <ant:patternset id="maven.jar.resources.set">
    <j:forEach var="res" items="${pom.build.resources.includes}">
      <ant:include name="${res}"/>
    <j:forEach var="res" items="${pom.build.resources.excludes}">
      <ant:exclude name="${res}"/>

Does this mean that Ant will no longer be part of the default namespace???
If so, I strongly disagree with this move. It will severely impact
compatibility for those of us that have already invested man-months of
effort in developing build systems based on Maven. In addition, it really
hurts one of the main selling points I have been making to other teams
within my company, that their large investment in Ant code can be migrated
to Maven as-is. It is critical that you keep us informed on your plans in
this area. Thanks,

David Zeleznik
ILOG - Changing the rules of business

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