

    I've got an assembly that runs at the parent level for a
multi-module project.  Let me preface by saying this setup works fine
with Maven 2.x, going to Maven 3.0.3 the issue appeared.  Anyhow, we
have dependency and if we have it set to a snapshot the package goal
runs fine but assembly complains that it cannot find the artifact.  It's
on the local .m2 store, it's on the repo (we use Artifactory).  In the
setup we have two repos, one for releases and one for snapshots, one
thing I thought was interesting is that when Maven fails saying can't
find the artifact, it only lists the "release" repo in it's error
message and not both release and snapshot repos.   I did a -X run and
dug through the debug, it does see both the release and snapshot repos
yet the error only references release repo... ?


Again, this same setup works fine with Maven 2.x.  Just for giggles I
updated to the latest revision of assembly plugin but that gave no joy.
I have been running "mvn package assembly:assembly
-Dmaven.tests.skip=true" but also tried using "mvn package
assembly:single -Dmaven.test.skip=true" - no change.


What I don't get is when it's compiling/packaging it's able to find the
dependency (which is something like X-1.0.0_b0-SNAPSHOT.jar) but when it
tries to do the assembly... BARF.  Does assembly only work with
releases?  If so, that stinks... how do you do nightly snapshot builds?


Any suggestions / pointers are greatly appreciated.





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